Quelle: Kathrin Scheidt

Say Hi and ask question during our ONLINE INFO SESSIONS 2020
November 28, 2020 online
09:00 to 11:30 AM (UCT +1) and
18:00-20:30 PM (UCT +1)


You have burning questions? Want to know if we are right for you? Or if you are right for us? Want to get some insights and meet our faculty? Covid-19 isnt letting us travel, but we got you! All our INFO SESSIONS will take place online so you can join us right from your couch!

In preparation for our next application round between 1 February - 1 March 2021 for the class of 2024, we cordially invite you to our ONLINE INFO SESSIONS 2020 where you can meet our faculty, hear about what the program has to offer and find answers to your questions about our Master’s program. Afterwards you can experience performances by some of our students, of course all online!


We are very much looking forward to meeting you!


November 28, 2020


09:00 - 11:30 AM (UCT +1)Session 1udk-berlin.webex.com/meet/SoundSinfo
09:00 - 09:30 AMIntroduction by Prof. Volker Straebel 
09:30 - 10:00 AMSound art practice (Prof. Daisuke Ishida) 
10:00 - 10:30 AMAnalogueand digital media (Wolfgang Spahn) 
 Immersive audio (Johannes Regnier)   
10:30 - 11:00 AMAuditory Culture (Prof. Sabine Sanio) 
11:00 - 11:30 AMApplication process and Q+A with Prof. Volker Straebel + Jan Thoben 
11:30 - Student work: video and discussion - Nina Guo & Augustė Vickunaitė: SheepsNina Guo and Auguste Vickunaite freely improvise together;
Nina sings and Auguste plays reel-to-reel tape recorders.
Their music frequently has loops and noise, but not exclusively.
All sounds are live and analogue. All text is improvised.
"Our piece, Sheeps, combines sound from one of our rehearsals
with footage that we took near our studio. It features a very
important theme in our work and creative practice together."

https://www.twitch.tv/udkberlin_sounds (video)
https://udk-berlin.webex.com/meet/SoundSinfo (discussion)


6:00 - 8:30 PM 
(UCT +1)
Session 2udk-berlin.webex.com/meet/SoundSinfo
6:00 - 6:30 PM Introduction by Prof. Volker Straebel 
6:30 - 7:00 PMImmersive audio (Johannes Regnier) 
 Analogue and digital media (Wolfgang Spahn) 
7:00 - 7:30 PMSound art practice (Prof. Daisuke Ishida) 
7:30 - 8:00 PMAuditory Culture (Prof. Dr. Sabine Sanio) 
8:00 - 8:30 PMApplication process and Q&A (Prof. Volker Straebel and Jan Thoben) 
8:30 -Student work: live performance - Menghan Wang: InverseInverse is an experimental audiovisual journey prepared
during and for living under 2020's pandemic influences.
It is a conversation with oneself in solitude, a desire to
breakthrough limitations, and a contemplative experiment in progress.
https://www.twitch.tv/udkberlin_sounds (performance)


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