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On this page you will find step-by-step application instructions for each degree programme at the UdK-Berlin from Acting to Voice and Opera. Please click on the desired degree programme - highlighted in red.



Architecture: Bachelor, Master

Art in Context: Master

Art and MediaAbsolvent*inMeisterschüler*in

Church Musik: Bachelor, Master

Communication in Social and Economic Contexts:Bachelor, Master

Composition: Bachelor, Master

Conducting: Bachelor, Master

Costume Design: Bachelor; Master

Creative Writing for the Stage Absolvent*in

Dance: Tanz, Kontext, Choreographie: Bachelor, Solo/Dance/Authorship: Master

Design (Product Design, Fashion Design)Bachelor, Master

Design and ComputationMaster (in cooperation with the TU Berlin)

Fine Arts: Absolvent*in/Meisterschüler*in

Fine Arts for Primary School (Teacher Training Programm): Bachelor, Master [German]

Fine Arts for Secondary School (Teacher Training Programm): Bachelor, Master [German]

Fine Arts and Special needs education for Secondary School (Teacher Training Programm): Bachelor, Master (expected to start in WS 2028-29) [German]

Fine Arts for Secondary School (Teacher Training Programm) - Quereinstieg: Master [German]

Harpsichord/FortepianoBachelor, Master

Jazz: Jazz Bachelor, Jazz Vocal/ Instrumental Master, Jazz (Composition/Arrangement) Master, European Jazz Master (EUJAM)

Leadership in Digital Innovation: Master (Extra-occupational Master’s Course)

Music Education: Bachelor, Master

Music for Primary School (Teacher Training Programme): Bachelor, Master [German]

Music for Secondary School (Teacher Training Programme): Bachelor, Master [German]

Music for Secondary School with the subject special education (Teacher Training Programme): Bachelor , Master [German]

Music for Secondary School (Teacher Training Programme) - QuereinstiegMaster [German]

Music TherapyMaster (Extra-occupational Master’s Course)

Musical/Show: Absolvent*in

Musikalische Nachwuchsförderung (Julius Stern Institut)

Orchestral Instruments: Orchestral Instruments Bachelor, Orchestral Musician Master, Soloist Master, Chamber Musik Master (Ensembles only), Concert Exam

Organ / Organ Improvisation: BachelorMasterConcert Examen

Piano: Piano Bachelor, Piano Master Soloist, Piano Master Chamber Music and/or Lied Accompaniment, Piano Concert Exam

Sound EngineeringBachelor, Master

Sound Studies and Sonic Arts: Master (weiterbildend)

Stage Design: Bachelor, Master

Theater / Performing Arts for Secondary School (Teacher Training Programme): Bachelor, Master

Theatre Education/Drama: Master

Visual CommunicationBachelor, Master

Voice and Opera: Bachelor, Opera: Master, Lied/ Oratorio/ Concert: Master