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Leadership in Digitaler Innovation Master

Application period and entrance requirements

Next Application period

June 1 - 30, 2025 for the winter semester 2025/26


Entrance requirements
• Diploma, B.A. or equivalent higher education qualification obtained with 210 ETCS points
In case less than 210 ETCS have been acquired practical work in the field of digital communication can be
recognised as study equivalents and evaluated with credit points.
• Exceptions can be made if the necessary qualification for the study has been gained on the job.
The recognition of these qualifications will be tested in a separate aptitude test which evaluates the equivalence to a completed and
qualifying study. The candidates have to prove at least 5 years of professional work experience in the field of digital communication in order to qualify for the aptitude test.
• At least one year professional work experience
• Artistic talent
• for international applicants: sufficient German language skills (language certificate German B1 for application and language certificate German C1 for enrolment)

Duration of studies and Degree

• Standard period of study: 5 semesters, 90 credit points

• Degree: Master of Arts (MA)



Information on tuition fees can be found at the following site (only German version is available):

your application - step by step

All steps mentioned in the following must be taken within the application deadline of the respective study program. It is recommended that you apply as early as possible within the application deadline so that you can clarify any questions that may arise with our StudyGuide in good time.

  1. Register and verify your identity (if you have not already done so in the past) in the Campusmanagement-Portal of the UdK Berlin:
  2. Log in to the Campus Management Portal ( and submit an application for admission to the desired degree program there within the application deadline and upload the following formal documents in a PDF file (max. 20 MB) to the application portal during the application process:

    ● Detailed CV in tabular form providing information about previous study courses and professional experience
    Certificate of university graduation, foreign certificates have to be handed in as a certified translation (German or English).
    This certificate can be submitted until the time of matriculation for the program „Leadership in digital Innovation”.
    Foreign certificates are only accepted if the equivalence is stated.
    ● Proof of practical professional experience of at least one year
    ● For applications without a university degree, an aptitude test must be passed that corresponds to the scope of a bachelor's thesis.
    Possible topics for the thesis can be requested from Sarah Giersch (s.giersch_ The thesis must be submitted with all application documents by the application deadline.
    In addition, 5 years of professional activity in the field of digital innovation must be proven.
    ● If applicable and relevant for the programme: proof of vocational training (unauthenticated photocopies)
    Bank statement as proof of payment of the fee of € 30 for processing the application (in case of transfer from abroad proof of payment) or turnover view (in case of online banking). Other proofs/receipts (such as transfer orders) are not accepted.
    ● International applicants must also provide proof of their German language skills: language certificate German B2 for application and language certificate German C1 for enrolment. You can find more information here.
    Transfer students from other univercities must enclose proof of previous study and examination achievements. You can find more information here.

  3. Information on transferring  30 € for the participation in the admission procedure to the following account:
    Kasse der UdK Berlin
    Berliner Volksbank
    IBAN: DE 72 1009 0000 8841 0150 46
    Reason for payment: 35/01036, degree programme, name, application number

    Berliner Volksbank eG
    Budapester Straße 35
    10787 Berlin

    For foreign bank transfers:
    Please make sure that you pay all applicable transfer fees (OUR - sender pays costs) when making the transfer.

  4. A digital portfolio must also be uploaded to the Bemus portal within the application deadline. Use the same access data for this as for the application portal

    Upload deadline:      01 - 31 January 2025
    Possible file types:   PDF, MP3, MP4, MOV
    maximum file size:   PDF (20 MB), all others 2 GB
    maximum number:   6 files with 10 GB max.

You do not have a Bachelor's degree certificate at the time of application?

You have an international degree?

Are you an applicant from the PR China, Vietnam or India?

Are there any formal documents missing from your application? Find out how to submit them here.

Information on the portfolio

The "digital portfolio" should contain  the following:
CV, letter of motivation, description of three work projects,
a critical analysis on a topic of digital innovation (1-2 pages).

Here you can find examples for a digital Portfolio( in German only):

Admission procedure

Wie geht es nach der Bewerbung weiter?

The admissions committee selects the candidates for the entrance exam on the basis of the applicant’s digital
portfolio. The entrance examination takes place in August and consists of two parts:
• short oral presentation of a question which has been communicated in advance
• Interview with the admissions committee