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Music Therapy Master (extra-occupational )

Application period and requirements

Appliction period

15 March – 15 April for the following winter semester


Admission requirements

• a university degree in music, education, psychology or medicine; in individual cases the examination board may also admit other subjects
•  In exceptional cases, admission can also be granted if the aptitude required for the degree programme was acquired in a profession instead of a university degree.
The recognition of competences and skills acquired in professional practice is carried out within the framework of a separate aptitude test. This aptitude test is intended to establish the equivalence of the vocational qualification with that of a completed vocationally qualifying degree programme. The formal prerequisite for the determination of aptitude is a proven intensive occupation with music therapy contents for approx. five years.
• at least one year of qualified practical professional experience
• a period of work shadowing at an institution with a clinical-therapeutic or psychosocial orientation: applicants without experience in the psychosocial field must complete at least 10 weeks with a total of 50 hours, all others at least 6 weeks with a total of at least 30 hours; the period of work shadowing at this institution must not have begun more than 2 years previously.
• An artistic talent with regard to the music therapy orientation of the degree programme, which is determined in an admission procedure.
• For international applicants: sufficient knowledge of German ( At the time of application: proof of linguistic ability equivalent to level B1,  and for matriculation: proof of linguistic ability equivalent to level C1)

Please refer to the program's website for additional important information regarding admission requirements:

Duration of studies and Degree

• Standard period of study: 6 semesters, 120 credit points

• Degree: Master of Arts (MA)

Your application - step by step

All of the following steps must be taken within the application deadline of the respective degree programme.  It is recommended that you apply as early as possible within the application deadline so that you can clarify any questions that arise with our StudyGuide in good time.

  1. Register and verify yourself (if you have not already done so in the past) in the Campus Management Portal of the UdK Berlin:
  2. Log in to the Campus Management Portal ( and submit an application for admission to the desired degree program there within the application deadline and upload the formal documents in a PDF file (max. 20 MB) to the application portal during the application process, which are listed in the checklist. The complete documents must be uploaded by the last day of the application deadline at the latest.
  3. Information on transferring the 30 €  for participation in the application procedure including the admission procedure to the following account:
    Kasse der UdK Berlin
    Berliner Volksbank
    IBAN: DE 72 1009 0000 8841 0150 46
    Reason for payment: 35/01036, degree programme, name, application number

    Berliner Volksbank eG
    Budapester Straße 35
    10787 Berlin

For foreign bank transfers:
Please make sure that you pay all applicable transfer fees (OUR - sender pays costs) when making the transfer.

More information you can find here


You have an international degree?

Are you an applicant from the PR China, Vietnam or India?

Are there any formal documents missing from your application? Find out how to submit them here.

Admission procedure

What happens after the application?

For applicants without a degree in music or music education:
1. Music theory examination, which demonstrates knowledge of general music theory and a good ear:
• Determining instruments from examples played before.
• Classification of played examples in certain musical epochs
• Rhythmising of a given melody
• Rewriting a monophonic example (melodic dictation)
• Identifying triads and seventh chords in basic positions and inversions given in writing.
• Identifying a passage from a classical work with a function or step designation

2. procedures for testing interpretative (instrumental/vocal) skills:
• Audition on one major and one minor instrument: one melody or rhythm instrument and one harmony instrument are required (accompanists may be brought along). Two works of the candidate's own choice from different stylistic periods are to be performed, for the main subject both works with at least an intermediate level of difficulty:
Piano e.g.: J. S. Bach two- and three-part inventions; sonatas by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven; Robert Schumann "Kinderszenen"; C. Debussy "Arabesques"; B. Bartók "Mikrokosmos IV";
Recorder e.g.: Sonatas by Loillet and Händel; Spielbuch für Sopran-Flöte H. 12 (Hänssler-V., Stuttgart); C. Lechner Kl. Tanz- und Spielstücke; Folk song improvisations (Bärenreiter 1104 u. 1257);
Violin e.g.: Sonatas by Händel, Mozart or Sonatine by Schubert etc.
The same applies to other instruments. Pieces from the field of light music are also possible.

For all applicants:
1. group procedure to determine the playful-communicative relationship ability; among other things, a self-selected song is to be performed, in which the candidates must accompany themselves instrumentally.
2. group procedure (improvisation) to determine the ability to use music as a means of personal expression and interpersonal communication.
3. individual interviews about previous professional experience as well as the work shadowing experience
4. individual interviews on professional motivation and personal development. Among other things, mental resilience, relationship skills, perceptive and reflective abilities are tested.


The Master's programme in Music Therapy is subject to fees. The fee is 407 EUR for monthly payment plus a one-time start fee of 1,850 EUR, i.e. for a study duration of 6 semesters 16,502 EUR for the entire study programme. In addition, the semester fee is due in each case.

Detailed information on fees and financing options can be found on the Music Therapy website.
Information on the semester fee can be found here.

Contact Master's Programme Music Therapy

• Dana Neubert (course coordinator)
Office hours: Mon and Wed 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m., fon (030) 3185 2553 email: musiktherapie_
• Prof. Dr. Susanne Bauer (head of the programme) fon (030) 3185 2552 email: sbauer_
Registration for study guidance by e-mail
•  Prof. Dr. Stefan Mainka  s.mainka_