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Conducting Bachelor

Application period and entrance requirements

Application period

15. March - 15. April for the  winter semester


Entrance requirements

• Artistic talent
• Sufficient knowledge of German (Language certificate German A2 for application and Language certificate German B2 for enrolment)

Duration of studies and Degree

• Standard period of study: 8 semesters, 240 credit points

• Degree: Bachelor of Music (B Mus)

Your application step by step

All steps mentioned in the following must be taken within the application deadline of the respective study program. It is recommended that you apply as early as possible within the application deadline so that you can clarify any questions that may arise with our StudyGuide in good time.

  1. Register and verify your identity (if you have not already done so in the past) in the Campusmanagement-Portal of the UdK Berlin:
  2. Log in to the Campus Management Portal ( and submit an application for admission to the desired degree program there within the application deadline and upload the following formal documents in a PDF file (max. 20 MB) to the application portal during the application process:

    Curriculum vitae in tabular form with detailed information about the previous course of study.
    ● Certificates of school education
    ● If applicable, proof of previous periods of study as well as academic achievements and examinations already taken
    Bank statement as proof of payment of the fee of € 50 for processing the application (in case of transfer from abroad proof of deposit) or sales view (in case of online banking). Other proofs/receipts (such as transfer orders) will not be accepted. (For more information, see 3.).
    International applicants must also provide proof of German language skills: for application, language certificate German A2 and for enrollment, language certificate German B2. More information can be found here.

  3.     Information on transferring the 50 €: please transfer the fee for participation in the admission procedure to the following account:
      Kasse der UdK Berlin
        Berlin Volksbank
        IBAN: DE 72 1009 0000 8841 0150 46
        Reason for payment: 35/01036, course of studies, name, application number

        Berliner Volksbank eG
        Budapester Street 35
        10787 Berlin

        For international bank transfers:
        Please make sure that you pay all applicable transfer fees (OUR - sender pays costs) when making the transfer.

Are you an applicant from the PR China, Vietnam or India?

Are there any formal documents missing from your application? Find out how to submit them here.

Admission procedure

The admission procedure consists of the pre-selection and the entrance examination.

The basis for the preselection is the conducting of two compulsory works, which are communicated four weeks before the examination (realization on two pianos), duration about ten minutes.
Those applicants will be admitted to the entrance examination whose conducting of the two compulsory works does not, on initial assessment, reveal a lack of the special artistic talent required for the course of study.

Contents of the entrance examination are:
a) Conducting of two further compulsory works, which will be communicated four weeks before the examination (realization with instrumental ensemble), duration approx. 20 minutes;

b) written exam (Composition/ Aural Training), duration about two hours:
1. a rhythmic dictation,
2. a monophonic dictation,
3. a two-part polyphonic dictation,
4. a four-part harmonic dictation,
5. four-part harmonization of a given melody in the style of a chorale,
6. short harmonic analysis of a score excerpt,
7. classification of exemplary audio and or score excerpts in the music-historical context as well as
8. marking up of a score excerpt (harmony, phrase length, entrances, articulation as appropriate, etc.)

c) oral practical examination, lasting approximately 30 minutes:
1. aural examination (intervals, chords and their inversions, modulations, rhythms),
2. sight-singing of a tonal melody,

and in addition

- For candidates with piano as an instrumental major:
3. piano performance of two moderately difficult contrasting works from different periods,
4. sight-reading of opera piano excerpts, and
5. score playing of orchestral works from sight;

- For candidates with an orchestral instrument as an instrumental major:
3. performance of two contrasting works from different periods reflecting current performance level; and
4. score playing on piano of orchestral works from sight  (adequate level for non-pianists).

The length of the entrance examination is decided by the Admissions Committee.

Sample examination

BA Conducting sample examination

You will need the following audio samples for the sample examination.

1. RD Martinu 1. Str.-Q., 4. Satz, Zf. 6

2. D1 Ah perdon al primo affetto

3. D2 Gounod S. 3

4. D4 Telemann Brockes-Passion, hohe Stimmung

6. Weber Oberon-Ouvertüre, Seitenthema

7a Ravel Str.-Q., 3. Satz

7b Cambert Pomone

8a Brahms 2. S, 3. Satz

8b Wq 179

9. Mozart Thamos