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General information

With the exception of some postgraduate Master's programmes, no tuition fees are charged at the UdK Berlin. This also applies to international students. However, all students at Berlin universities must pay a contribution of currently approx. 330€ per semester. This amount consists of a social contribution for the studierendenWERK BERLIN, the contribution for the student representation and the enrolment and re-enrolment fees. An additional fee of 30 € till 50 € is usually charged for participation in the admission procedure.


Application fee

Applicants are charged a fee of 30 € till 50 € per application for the application procedure including the admission procedure at the UdK Berlin. Proof of payment of the fee must be submitted with the application documents.

Exceptions to this are, if applicable, teacher training programmes in subjects for which the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family has defined an urgent need at Berlin schools. You can find information on whether the degree programme you are interested in is subject to this exception on the application pages of the respective degree programme.

Please enclose with your application a bank statement (in the case of transfer from abroad proof of payment) or sales statement (in the case of online banking) for a fee of 30 € for processing the application. Other proofs / vouchers (such as transfer orders) will not be accepted! A refund of the fee is excluded. This also applies in the case of rejected applications and withdrawal of the application. Only with corresponding proof of the fully paid fee will your application documents be released for the application and admission procedure.

In case of foreign bank transfers: Please make sure that you pay all applicable transfer fees (OUR - sender pays costs) when transferring the money.

bank account details

Kasse der UdK Berlin
Berliner Volksbank
IBAN: DE 72 1009 0000 8841 0150 46

Berliner Volksbank eG
Budapester Straße 35
10787 Berlin

Purpose of use for applications: 35/01036, degree programme, name, application number
Purpose of use for return of portfolio: degree programme, name, application number, MR
Purpose of use for re-registration: Matriculation number, name, degree programme
Purpose of use in case of loss of semester ticket: Matriculation number, name, degree programme

For international transfers: Please make sure that you pay all transfer fees (OUR - sender pays costs) when making the transfer.

semester fee

The semester fee consists of: a contribution to the studierendenWERK BERLIN (social contribution), the student body contribution, the re-registration fee and the contribution to the semester ticket. (See: Information on re-registration and fees)

Postgraduate Master's programmes

For the postgraduate Master's programmes of the Berlin Career College, the fees listed below are charged in addition to the general semester fees.

Leadership in Digital Communication (Master)
The fees are 1500 euros per module (six weeks duration, ten modules in total) or 3000 euros for the double module of the Master's thesis (twelve weeks duration), a total of 18.000 euros.
The statutes on the charging of fees for participation in the postgraduate Master's programme Leadership in Digital Communication can be found here.

Music Therapy
The Berlin University of the Arts charges a fee of 407 euros per month (plus a one-time start-up fee of 1850 euros) for participation in the Master's programme Music Therapy, totalling 16.502 euros. The statutes on the charging of fees for participation in the postgraduate Master's programme in Music Therapy can be found here.

Sound Studies and Sonic Arts
The Berlin University of the Arts charges a fee  for participation in the Master's programme Sound Studies and Sonic Arts, totalling 18.800 euros. The statute on the charging of fees for participation in the postgraduate Master's programme Sound Studies and Sonic Arts can be found here.