For more detailed information, please change to the German version of this website.

Portfolios - submission and return

General information

For the degree programmes of the Faculties of Fine Arts and Design as well as for some degree programmes of the Faculty of Performing Arts, applicants submit a portfolio and / or a homework assignment or a conceptual work. These submitted works form the basis for the pre-selection by the admissions committee and / or are part of the admissions procedure.
Detailed information on the portfolios for the various degree programmes (scope, format, etc.) can be found on the application page of the respective degree programme.

There is no patent remedy for the content of the portfolio or the preparation of the homework or concept. The work should reflect your own interests and show an intensive examination of the content and topics you have chosen yourself. In addition, applicants should deal intensively with the respective degree programme. A visit to the "Rundgang", which takes place every year in mid-July, is highly recommended.

With few exeptions the UdK Berlin does not offer portfolio advice. The Faculty of Fine Arts offers the so-called "Pre-Colleges" every autumn. Potential applicants are welcome to bring a portfolio to this information event. The dates are published in good time on the website of the college of Fine Arts.

Please note that the UdK Berlin assumes neither liability nor costs for your application documents including portfolios.

Submission of portfolios

In the current admission procedures, portfolios and homework are also uploaded digitally in many study programmes.

However, for the study programmes Fine Arts and Teachers training in Fine Arts at secondary schools and grammar schools (ISS/Gym) the portfolios must be submitted in analogue form by regular mail or even in person.

For the Bachelor's study programme in Fine Arts at Primary Schools, applicants are free to submit the portfolio in analogue form or upload it digitally.

For the Bachelor's study programe in Architecture the analogue portfolio has to be sent in by regular post only.  

For information on personal submission, please go to the German language page (opening hours folder room / Öffnungszeiten Mappenraum).

You can find more information on the type, scope and submission of the (digital) portfolios on the application pages of the respective degree programme, in the campus management portal my.udk-berlin or in the e-mails you will receive as soon as you are requested to submit a portfolio.

Portfolio submission

For some degree programmes, analogue portfolios can be sent in by post. Information can be found on the application page of the respective study program.

Please use the following address for this purpose:

Berlin University of the Arts
[indication of the study program]
Einsteinufer 43
10587 Berlin

Please make sure to declare your portfolio as application documents (without value) when sending it internationally with customs declaration. Alternatively, you can enter the abbreviation NCV (no commercial value) as the value.
Folders that are received by German customs and require customs clearance will not be accepted for cost reasons.
The UdK Berlin will also not assume any transport and shipping costs or import duties for the folder.

Decisive is the receipt of the complete documents at the UdK-Berlin, not the postmark.

Portfolio return

Personal pick-up of submitted portfolios is only possible for the following degree programs of the Faculty of Fine Arts:

  •     Fine Arts ("Absolvent*in")
  •     Teacher training in fine arts at secondary schools and grammar schools (ISS/Gym)
  •     Teacher training in fine arts at primary schools (GS)

    Collection dates in September :

    Wednesday, 18 September 2024, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

    Monday, 23 September 2024, 12:00 noon - 3:00 pm  Uhr

    Please report to the porter at Hardenbergstraße 33, 10623 Berlin.

    If you would like to authorize someone to collect your portfolio during these times, please use this power of attorney.

The return of physically submitted portfolios is possible in the other study programs exclusively by regular post.

The portfolios are returned during the lecture-free periods (end of July to October for applications for the winter semester or end of February to April for applications for the summer semester). The folders are then destroyed and cannot be collected or sent.

Please note: The payment must be received in the UdK Berlin account by 30 September at the latest (start of studies in the winter semester) or by 31 March (start of studies in the summer semester).

Please send the proof of payment / bank statement with the date of the value date by e-mail to the responsible* employee in the Enrolment and Examination Office (IPA) by 30 September at the latest (start of studies in the winter semester) or by 31 March (start of studies in the summer semester) and ask for the return of your portfolio / homework. Please also state your current address again.
You can find the contact persons and contact details here.

For return shipments to countries that do not belong to the European Union (EU), a customs declaration must be filled out. Please send the completed DHL document with your proof of payment to the IPA. When sending internationally with a customs declaration, please make sure to declare your portfolio as application documents (without value). Alternatively, you can enter the abbreviation NCV (no commercial value) as the value.

Please note that the UdK Berlin assumes neither liability nor any costs incurred.
Fees for return shipment:
- for return within Germany 8,00 Euro
- for returns within EU countries 30,00 Euro
- for return worldwide 50,00 Euro
=> For special sizes (less than 15 cm x 11 cm x 1 cm or more than 120 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm) a surcharge of 20,00 Euro will be added. Should this be necessary for your portfolio, you will receive a separate e-mail from us with a request for payment.

Account details:

Kasse der UdK Berlin
IBAN DE 72 1009 0000 884 101 5046
Berliner Volksbank
Verwendungszweck: Studiengang, Name, Bewerbungsnummer, MR

MR = Portfolio return

Berliner Volksbank eG
Budapester Straße 35
10787 Berlin

For foreign bank transfers: Please make sure that you pay all applicable transfer fees (OUR - sender pays costs) when transferring money.

Opening hours portfolio room Teachers training Fine Arts "Grundschule" and "ISS/Gymnasien"

The room for personal portfolio delivery is located at
Hardenbergstr. 33, 10623 Berlin.
The opening hours of the portfolio room are as follows:

Thursday31 March 202514.00 - 18.00 h
Tuesday1 April 202512.00 - 16.00 h
Wednesday2 April 202510.00 - 14.00 h
Thursday3 April 202514.00 - 18.00 h
Friday4 April 202512.00 - 16.00 h (deadline)

Please fill out the following document and stick it printed on the outside of your portfolio:
Labeling help portfolio

Opening hours portfolio room Fine Arts "Absolvent*in"

The room for personal portfolio delivery is located at
Hardenbergstr. 33, 10623 Berlin.
The opening hours of the portfolio room are as follows:

Tuesday22 April 202512.00 - 16.00 h
Wednesday23 April 202514.00 - 18.00 h
Thursday24 April 202510.00 - 14.00 h
Friday25 April 202512.00 - 16.00 h
Monday28 April 202512.00 - 16.00 h (deadline)

Please fill out the following document and stick it printed on the outside of your portfolio:
Labeling help portfolio