International Office
Information about international academic exchange for students, teachers and employees of the UdK Berlin, as well as information for international applicants applying for a Bachelor or Masters programme at the UdK Berlin.
Institute for Art in Context – Continuing Education Master Programme “Art in Context”
By “Art in Context” we understand an expanded art practice oriented on artistic as well as scientific questions with a view to current discourse and practices, and to their social, aesthetic, media and political conditions. In addition, the institute sees itself as a place where critical definitions of the contemporary may be questioned.The continuing education programme “Art in Context” culminates in a Master of Arts degree and is aimed at artists who see their creative production within a social context and wish to develop and realize artistic concepts, strategies and working methods relating to this context.
As an interdisciplinary postgraduate study course, “Art in Context” offers degrees in the following professional fields, or a combination thereof:
∙ Artistic Work with Social Groups
∙ Artistic Work within Cultural Institutions
∙ Artistic Work in Public Space
∙ Artistic Work within Media and Science Related Image Production
The study programme, which focuses on the development of artistic projects, aims to augment its students' professionalism. In accordance with their interests and in agreement with the teaching staff, our students develop their own individual timetables from the relevant courses available. The development of social and communicative skills, cooperation within a team, theory-based development of artistic strategies, and planning study projects and their documentation represent the key content of the study programme.
The non-consecutive study programme can be completed as a full-time programme in four semesters or as an extra-occupational, part-time programme in six semesters. There are no fees to pay and no age limit. The teaching language is German.
The Institute for Art in Context has 30 study places available each year, which are allocated in a two-stage selection process. One specific feature of the programme is its high proportion (two thirds) of international students. As a rule, the majority of students has already completed a study programme in the arts, while others have a degree in a creative subject (e. g. Design, Architecture), Art in Education or a comparable professional qualification. As about half of the students elect to study part-time, each year the institute has a total of approx. 80 students registered in the postgraduate Master's programme, “Art in Context”.
Institute address:
Universität der Künste Berlin
Institut für Kunst im Kontext
Einsteinufer 43–53, 3rd floor
10587 Berlin
Telephone: 030 3185 2960
Fax: 030 3185 2406
E-Mail: ifkik @udk-berlin.de
Postal address:
Universität der Künste Berlin
Institut für Kunst im Kontext
Postfach 120544
10595 Berlin
Application information
Study and Examination Regulations [in German]
Prüfungsordnung Art in Context (ab S. 30)
Application period:
15 February - 15 March for the winter semester
Applications can only be created in the application portal within the deadline.
Information about international academic exchange for students, teachers and employees of the UdK Berlin, as well as information for international applicants applying for a Bachelor or Masters programme at the UdK Berlin.
We offer advice, help and support to students, applicants, parents and others, on all questions regarding the application process and the studies.