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Bénédicte Billiet

source: Andreas Baum

Bénédicte Billiet

Bénédicte Billiet is born in Lille, France, in 1954. She studied at Conservatoire National de Paris before she got engaged in Ballet de Lyon, in 1972. She returned to Paris in 1975, where she worked with Peter Goss, Dominique Bagouet and other choreographers. In 1981 she has been engaged in the Tanztheater Wuppertal, where she danced until 1989. After a break she returned there to work for the archive and as an assistant and co-rehearsal director, including "Kontakthof" with seniors and teenagers. Today she is freelance and works particularly with her daughter, Sophia Otto. 

At KlangKunstBühne 2024 she will give together with Scott Jennings the workshop Tanztheater erleben und entdecken.