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Rabih Mroué

source: Houssam Mchaeimch

Rabih Mroué

Rabih Mroué, born in Beirut and lives in Berlin, is a theatre director, actor, visual artist and playwright. Rooted in theatre, his work includes videos and installation art. Continuously searching for an alternative and contemporary relations among all the different elements and languages of the theatre art forms, Mroué questions the definitions of theatre and its relationship with the other art-mediums and performing practiced. He is a contributing editor for The Drama Review /TDR (New York). He is also a co-founder and a board member of the Beirut Art Center (BAC). He was a fellow at The International Research Center: Interweaving Performance Cultures/ FU/Berlin since 2013-2014.He has performed and exhibited internationally including dOCUMENTA (13), Riena Sofia Museum, The ICP Triennial and MoMa, Centre Pompidou, Tate Modern, KW Berlin, among others.

At KlangKunstBühne 2024 he will give the workshop Is it now or never?