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KlangKunstBühne 2025

The next KlangKunstBühne will take place from August 18 to October 4, 2025. Guests will be:

Joan La Barbara, Komponistin und Sängerin

Oblivia, Performance Company

Rabih Mroué, Regisseur, Schauspieler, Autor und Bildender Künstler

George Lewis, Komponist, Musikwissenschaftler und Posaunist

She She Pop, Performance Kollektiv

Bénédicte Billiet & Scott Jennings, choreography and dance

You can download the current flyer here.
Registration start: March 1, 2025

Picture galleries and photo exhibition

Pictures of workshops with She She Pop and Chris Kondek from the KlangKunstBühne Special 2023 by Simon Hertling can now be seen in the picture gallery!

In addition, a selection of workshop photographs from the KunstKunstBühnen 2019 and 2023 are on display in the building of the Faculty of Music at Berlin University of the Arts, Bundesallee 1-12. Performance, music, dance, movement, opera and video - Simon Hertling has captured moments from the KlangKunstBühne in his photographs that tell stories from the workshops. Portraits, movement studies, dance and video scenes reflect illusions, emotions, fears and dreams. Participants and instructors are depicted pure and directly at work.