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Thomas Koch

source: Thomas Koch

Guest Faculty | Sound Studies and Sonic Arts (M.A.)


TEL +49 30 3185 - 2482 (SoundS office)

Lietzenburger Straße 45, 10789 Berlin

sub-department "Auditive Mediengestaltung" | Sound Studies (M.A.)
lecturer | Sound Studies and Sonic Arts (M.A.)

Thomas Koch (1982) has worked intensively on both the technical and artistic sides of audiovisual media. He has been working at Fraunhofer HHI since 2009 researching on new uses of 3D-Audio technologies in the context of immersive video environments. Since 2013 he is teaching 'Raumkomposition' and spatial audio, with an emphasis on balancing the use of innovative technology with integrity of artistic concept. On the artistic level he focuses on immersive auditive media design, multi-channel audio staging as well as the study and simulation of acoustic spaces.