23.5.2018 | Indigenous (Sound-)Knowledge And Contemporary Music
die Reihe
We are absolutely deligted to be able to present to you a very special guest at die Reihe. Beiträge zu auditiver Kunst und Kultur. Our second event this semester will feature the renown artist Alvin Lucier, American composer of experimental music and sound installations, whose work has greatly influenced contemporary music and sound art, together with the Ever Present Orchestra, dedicated to the performance of Alvin Lucier’s instrumental compositions.
Free admission, limited seating available.
Alvin Lucier and the Ever Present Orchestra
May 31, 2018 | 7:30 p.m. | Concert and Conversation
UdK Berlin, Joseph-Joachim-Konzertsaal
Bundesallee 1-12, 10719 Berlin
U3/U9 Spichernstraße
Two Circles (2012) adapted for the Ever Present Orchestra
Tilted Arc (2018) for the Ever Present Orchestra
Double Helix (2018) for four electric guitars, premiere | Ever Present Orchestra
I Am Sitting in a Room (1969) for voice and electroacoustic tape | Alvin Lucier, performance
Alvin Lucier in conversation with Oren Ambarchi and Volker Straebel
The Ever Present Orchestra, founded 2017 by Bernhard Rietbrock in partnership with Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK) in Switzerland, is dedicated to the performance of Alvin Lucier’s instrumental compositions. Lucier has written a remarkable catalog of instrumental works that focus on phenomena produced by the interference between closely tuned pitches, often using pure electronic tones produced by oscillators in combination with single instruments. The orchestra’s instrumentation of four electric guitars, three saxophones, four violins and piano came about as a result of the presentation of the Lucier piece Hannover (2015). Demonstrating the restless creative drive of an artist now in his 80s, Lucier has written two new pieces for the Ever Present Orchestra which all feature the electric guitar, played by prominent Lucier interpreters such as Oren Ambarchi and Stephen O’Malley.
Bernhard Rietbrock E-Guitar, Artistic Director | Jan Thoben E-Guitar | Oren Ambarchi E-Guitar | Gary Schmalzl E-Guitar | Stephen O'Malley E-Guitar | Tamriko KordzaiaPiano | Trevor Saint Glockenspiel | Christina Moser Violin | Cecile Vonderwahl Violin | Hanna Berliner Violin | Azat Fishyan Violin | Valentine Michaud Saxophone | Charles Ng Saxophone | Joan Jordi Oliver Arcos Saxophone
die Reihe. Contributions to auditory art and culture is an event series of the Master’s program Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at the Berlin Career College at Berlin University of the Arts the Audio Communication Group at Technical University Berlin. This concert is produced in cooperation with the Zurich University of the Arts, with additional support by Musikfonds e. V.
www.ak.tu-berlin.de/reihe | www.udk-berlin.de/sound
die Reihe
die Reihe
die Reihe
die Reihe