17.11.2016 | Martin Lorenz and Silva Reichwein "Sine Grey"
die Reihe
Aurality and Environment:
a dialog with Salomé Voegelin, Brandon LaBelle and Alex Arteaga
04 November 2016 | 7 pm | Free admission
Hybrid Lab | Villa Bell, Marchstraße 8, 10587 Berlin
A FASE and die Reihe event.
Aurality and Environment - A dialog with Salomé Voegelin, Brandon LaBelle, and Alex Arteaga
How do aurality and environment relate to one another? What are the possible interconnections between our aural practices, our auditory being-in-the-world and these worlds-around, these Um-welten? This event addresses manifest and potential correspondences between varieties of hearing, listening, sound organization and sonic interventions and the emergence of milieus from the perspectives developed by the artist-researchers Salomé Voegelin and Brandon LaBelle in dialog with Alex Arteaga.
Salomé Voegelin is an artist and writer engaged in listening as a socio-political practice of sound. She is the author of Listening to Noise and Silence: Towards a Philosophy of Sound Art, Continuum and Sonic Possible Worlds: Hearing the Continuum of Sound. Voegelin’s sound arts practice involves compositions produced by herself and in collaboration with David Mollin. While her solo work focuses on the small and slight, unseen performances and moments that almost fail to happen, her collaborative work has a more conceptual basis, establishing through words and sounds conversations and reconfigurations of relationships and realities. She is a Reader in Sound Arts at London College of Communication, UAL.
Brandon LaBelle is an artist, writer and theorist working with questions of social life and cultural agency, using sound, performance, text and sited constructions. He develops and presents artistic projects and performances within a range of international contexts, often working in public. This leads to interventions and performative installations, archival work, and micro-actions aimed at the sphere of the (un)common and the unlikely. He is also an active lecturer working with institutions around the world addressing questions of auditory culture, sonic and spatial arts, experimental media practices and the voice. Current research projects focus on voicing and choreographies of the mouth, sonic materiality and auditory knowledge, and the aesthetics and politics of invisibility. He is Professor at the Bergen Academy of Art and Design, Norway.
Alex Arteaga’s research integrates aesthetic and philosophical practices relating to the emergence of sense, meaning and knowledge, aesthetics and the relationships between aurality, architecture and the environment through phenomenological and enactivist approaches. He heads the Auditory Architecture Research Unit and the area of Auditory Architecture in the master program Sound Studies at the Berlin University of the Arts.
An event by FASE and die Reihe. Supported by Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España, Botschaft von Spanien, The Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, D-Noise Comunicación. In cooperation with Instituto Cervantes Berlín.