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Rundgang 2024: Sound Studies & Sonic Arts

source: Julia Koffler

The Sound Studies and Sonic Arts course is participating in the Rundgang from July 20 to 21 this year with various programs.

The course's main exhibition will take place on the 3rd floor of Lietzenburger Straße, where students under the direction of Prof. Daisuke Ishida will be showing current works. The various formats, such as installation, film or continuous performance, deal with sound from different perspectives. On Saturday afternoon, in addition to the main exhibition, sound experiments and concerts will take place in rooms 103, while DJ sets and drinks await visitors in the garden behind the building between 2-10 pm. The exhibition offers an insight into the individual artistic practice of the students and provides an overview of the diverse, interdisciplinary field of the up-and-coming generation of sound art.



Saturday (20.07): 12:00-22:00

Sunday (21.07): 12:00-19:00



Thomas Lea Clarke – The Stairs At Lietzenburger 45 – (Main staircase)

MAF – Object In Liminal Space – (Garden)

Kurt Reinartz Salgado – Imagined Noise: Reel and String (3. Floor Foyer)

Malu Serafim – Nebula, I have a question (Room 308)

Nicole Luján – COBRE (Room 310)

Jevgeniy Turovskiy – Wishing by listening (Room 311)

Loris Foti – Soil Vivisection (Room 312)

Spencer Carter – The Raft (Room 313)

Sydney Christensen – The Great Salt Lake (Room 314/315)

Ruben Bass – After Nun and Tea Filtration (Room 314/315)

Vicente Yáñez Fuenzalida – Tableaux sans exposition/ Pictures without an exhibition (Room 318)

Salomé Lubczanski – AIM (Accusation In a Mirror) (Room 319)

Tuce Alba – everything you see is an object, everything you hear is time, everything you smell is fear (Room 323)



The performances are taking place in room 103 at the first floor of Lietzenburger str. 45. on Saturday between 6-8 pm.


- Donatas Norusis – Castles in the sky – 18:00 

- Ruben Bass – De-Dreaming – 19:00 

– Sonic Microscopy: A Collective Performance, with Thomas Lea Clarke, Sydney Christensen, Jeremy Segal, Angelos Tassopoulos, Nicole Luján and Oda Egjar Starheim – 20:00