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 source: Genesis Victoria
source: Genesis Victoria

11-13 November 2022

Friday opening 11 Nov 18:00-22:00

Sat/Sun 11-12 Nov 14:00-19:00


Barnacles: prototypes for sonic wearables, dispositives for diverse situations. Barnacles are a type of sea crustaceans that attach to a diverse variety of surfaces: from rocks to sea mammals, underwater volcanoes, ships, and so on. They adapt to any situation context but also carry their own stories/history. Its process is about memory and non-invasive symbiosis. Barnacles aim to build the relation, an interface, between the sensor(s) and bodies. Constraints that provide possibilities, boundaries and shapes that allow the emergency of aesthetic experiences, answering biography, context, environment. It has its own aesthetic ecology.

During the exhibition, Genesis Victoria will activate their dispositives through diverse performative events. Time and dates to be announced


About the artist: Non-binary Sound and performance artist (they/them). Chile, 1989. Pursuing a Master's degree in Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at UdK Berlin.

Their work consists of creating experimental sound systems and performances for specific sites, creating haptic-sexual ritual experiences with speakers, microphones and sounds through bodywork, from a post-acousmatic queer feminist decolonial approach. Their sound systems are considered ecologies where all participants, human and non-human, create a temporary sonic community, where sounds and gestures create an aesthetic field of diverse sonic zones and/or textures and relations. Their performances respond to the specificity of the sites: their memories, stories/History, material qualities, acoustic, placement and so on.



instagram: genacetacea
