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Eric Maltz

continue……./ begin


Imagine a waveform which takes 4 hours to complete a full cycle. continue……../ begin is a durational performance that dances on the upper harmonics of this wave. A series of compositional pathways zooms into and out of the invisible and infinite architecture of time. continue……../ begin is the lived half of an ongoing artistic research project about the merging of life-time and art-time through durational artistic practices. Today, it will be performed on synthesizer, however this composition can be realized with any combination of instruments during any four-hour period and is intended to give both the listener and the performer a place to resonate and feel what it is to be a being in time.

Performance time

8 June, 4 – 8 pm, CHB


Collegium Hungaricum Berlin

Dorotheenstrasse 12

10117 Berlin