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Sonic Research in Academia and the Arts | About

source: Kathrin Scheidt

Since 2017 it is possible to obtain a PhD in Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at the UdK Berlin. The conference Sonic Research in Academia and the Arts, taking place from May 31- June1, 2019 at the department of Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at the UdK Berlin, was created to promote this possibility to a wider audience. Invited are not only our own students and alumni but also to anyone interested in the Sonic Arts, Sound in New Media, Soundscape Research, and Sonic Research. 

In cooperation with the department of Sound in New Media at the Aalto University Helsinki, the Department of Finnish Language and Culture Research at the University of Eastern Finland in Joensuu the conference will feature seven PhD candidates.
The presentations and discussions of the selected PhD projects will provide deeper insight into the wide range of research topics of this still very young discipline to the conference attendees – which can be observed through the different foci of the participating departments. While the UdK Berlin combines Sound Studies with a focus on Sonic Arts, Helsinki stresses on Sound in New Media and Joensuu lays the focus on Soundscape Research.

Alongside the research project presentations, the conference presents two discussion rounds that offer the opportunity for intense involvement with current questions of the study. The first panel is dedicated to Aesthetic Research, a topic that has been in focus at the Aalto University for a long time. The second and last panel addresses international cooperation – which has been put into practice with this very conference by Sound Studies and Sonic Arts. This panel concludes the conference and allows for a résumé and the discussion of how this exchange can be repeated or intensified in the future. 

Sonic Research in Academia and the Arts
PhD Conference
May 31 to June 01,  2019
10:00 – 18:00 
Room 314


Sound Studies and Sonic Arts
Universität der Künste Berlin | Berlin Career College
Lietzenburger Straße 45
10789 Berlin