Sonic Research in Academia and the Arts | Conference Program
31st of May
10:00 Opening: Volker Straebel, Sabine Sanio
10:30 Antti Ikonen: Designing Sounds for a Children's Hospital
11:30 Coffee break
11:45 Bernhard Rietbrock: The Music of Alvin Lucier
12:45 Lunch break
14:15 Ida Havukainen, Positions of the body in singing teaching
15:15 Panel: Sound Studies, Sonic Arts and perspectives of aesthetic research with
Harri Laakso, Antti Ikonen, Jacob Eriksen, Volker Straebel and Sabine Sanio
16:15 Reception
1st of June
10:00 Heta Kaisto: Siren and the Imperfect Songs of Disaster
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Jacob Eriksen: Sounding the Posthuman Attitude - a historico-aesthetical
analysis of onto-epistemological perspectives in contemporary sonic arts
12:30 Lunch break
14:00 Gabriel Santander: Heterosemiosis and Intermedial Aspects in Peter
Ablinger's Voices and Piano Cycle
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Panel: Sound Studies, Sonic Arts and perspectives of international
transdisciplinary cooperation with Harri Laakso, Noora Vikman, Bernhard
Rietbrock, Volker Straebel and Sabine Sanio
17:00 End of the conference