Izabel Carnio Teles de Menezes
Graphic Notation In Multiple Interpretations
Graphic Notation In Multiple Interpretations is a both practical and theoretical project thataims at investigating the practices of graphic notation as a source for creative stimuli on performers. Two graphic scores were composed under the function of mediating information between the visual and the aural domains. The scores are comprised of non-conventional visual elements, such as found objects, which are understood as scores in themselves. Nest Scoreis an exercise on describing physical matter and reflects on life being gauged at different angles. Mold City Scoreis built around a situation of gradual and controlled accumulation. It presents a two-fold vision on survival and control and reflects on modernity imploding on itself. The performers come intoplay with their intuitive responses and symbolic associations to what they are confronted with. The scores are open to different sonic renderings and use improvisation as a mode of interpretation. The resulting performances’ recordings are then reflected and compared.