Registration summer semester 2025
Registration for our courses will now take place via moodle-course (registration possible starting 14.04.2025; link and self-enrollment-keys on the website & MyUdk). More information here!
“Studium Generale” is not an independent (degree seeking) study program, but a general studies program at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) which combines critical studies and interdisciplinary artistic practice and theory. It is an obligatory part of the bachelor and graduate degree programs with altogether 10 ECTS throughout the time of study.
Registration for our courses will now take place via moodle-course (registration possible starting 14.04.2025; link and self-enrollment-keys on the website & MyUdk). More information here!
Are you interested in offering a seminar in the Studium Generale of the UdK Berlin? You will find the form below.
is a pilot project designed by Klasse Klima and funded by the Stiftung Innovation Hochschullehre for the long-term integration of applied climate education at art universities.
In the Studium Generale, a series of interdisciplinary courses in the fields of cultural studies and interdisciplinary theory and practice is offered under the motto "Diversity in Dialogue".
In the next months you will find the presentations from the seminar >The Souls of White “Volk”<, as part of the Carnegie Hall Festival, here.
Intercultural Mentoring for students from abroad has been available at the UdK Berlin since 2013. Several qualified student mentors are currently on hand to help new fellow students get off to a good start.
Here you can get general information about the Studium Generale at the UdK.
How do I get my Studium-Generale-certificate? Can I have a previous course of study recognized? You can find more information here.
Here you find your contact persons and consultation hours of the team of Studium Generale
Who is behind Studium Generale? Who is responsive in the office, who decides on the teaching program?