Registration to the workshops
Here you find a few informations about how to register to the workshops in Intercultural Mentoring (IKM).
Welcome (back) to the UdK Berlin and the Intercultural Mentoring (IKM) program!
The IKM program reaches out for international students with a non-German language of origin from all undergraduate degree programs (Bachelor, graduate). By taking part in group activities and workshops regularly and actively in the first one or two semester of their studies, students of the following degree programs can receive up to 4 ECTS study points in the Studium Generale module: Bachelor of architecture, product and fashion design, visual communication, communication design GWK, orchestral instruments and piano, singing, artistic and artistic-pedagogical training in music as well as students of artistic degree programs: liberal arts, art and media, musical, acting as well as scenic writing.
The IKM program invites you to get to know the university and each other better and explore the city’s opportunities for students through intercultural group activities. You will find time and attentive people to talk about problems and challenges that may arise during or around your studies right from the start. Experienced student mentors will offer a wide range of intercultural group activities.
In IKM workshops face-to-face and online, you can further develop your knowledge of the respective specialist language (art, music, design, architecture) for your studies, practice writing in German specifically for your studies or learn strategies for dealing with communication situations during your studies and practise feedback techniques.
The Intercultural Mentoringteam currently consists of four students in higher semesters (Ana, Hadas, Katharina and Subhin) and the coordinator in the Studium Generale office (Flóra Tálasi) as well as lecturers who offer workshops (Meltem Nil, Kristin Seebeck, Dr. Jessica Haß and others).
Individual counselling is offered by the coordinator, Flóra Tálasi, weekly on Wednesdays from 9 to 10 a.m. from the 3rd week of the lecture period, in WS 2024/25 from 30.10.2024, in Hardenbergstr. 33, 3rd floor, Café Kubik.
Bachelor's students and students of all Master's degree programs can participate in IKM activities and workshops; however, they will not receive study points in their degree program.
IKM program for first semester students (undergraduate or Bachelor)
IKM program for second semester students (and higher)
You will receive ECTS points for attending (online) workshops in the IKM: 1 to 2 ECTS depending on the duration of the course, see course details in the workshops.
Registration for Intercultural Mentoring in WS 2024/25 until 27.10.2024 online: > REGISTRATION.
Contact IKM: Flóra Tálasi, sgk
(IKM Q&A sessions online or in presence on demand. Please write an e-mail).
Here you find a few informations about how to register to the workshops in Intercultural Mentoring (IKM).
Intercultural Mentoring (IKM) is a special teaching and service program for students from abroad. It helps participants to master the start of their studies far from home.
Download (PDF) general information on the Intercultural Mentoring Program for students from abroad.