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The UdK Berlin Medienhaus: A house of opportunities. The building at Kleistpark is home to the UdK Berlin’s institutes that focus on cross-media design and time-based media.
Visual communication permeates all areas of our life. Our wide range of courses follows this understanding. It offers space for methods, experiments, insights, deepening and virtuosity.
Programme winter semester 2024/25 Visual Communication - Information on the courses of the Visual Communication degree programme in the winter semester 2024/25
In the “Design Fundamentals” module, students in semesters 1 and 2 learn about the terms and elements of visual communication across all media. They are introduced to the processes of design and learn to develop their own design method.
Visual communication - The chair of Prof. Fons M. Hickmann sees itself as a continuous, cross-semester project with the programmatic title "Graphic design with all media".
Anyone who wants to illustrate books magazines, graphic novels, comics, posters or even animated films, learn traditional and new graphic techniques, in short: anyone who wants to experiment with drawing as a medium studies illustration.
Information design makes complex information easier to understand and easier to use. Today and tomorrow, this is a key competence for shaping the world in which we live and for better understanding between people.
The class examines, critiques and reimaignes New Media in contexts of art and design as well as research and innovation. The results are manifested in tangible experiments, artworks and narratives.
To engage in history and theory of visual culture means to analyse the obvious.
The „Moving Image“ class explores practices of film and animation to develop artistic design works in time and space.
The class explores experimental artistic methodologies in the design of spaces of communication in various scales and contexts: exhibition, urban space and landscape.
The Campaigns class is about ideas. Ideas for campaigns that should make a difference, that deal with people and society.
The laboratories and workshops of the Visual Communication program at a glance.
Information about international academic exchange for students, teachers and employees of the UdK Berlin, as well as information for international applicants applying for a Bachelor or Masters programme at the UdK Berlin.
We offer advice, help and support to students, applicants, parents and others, on all questions regarding the application process and the studies.
Get to know the teaching staff from the Visual Communication program.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please see the following page for contact information.
“Fundamentals and processes of design” combines creative practice with a researching and reflective view. Visual communication is understood as a critical and mediating discipline that questions and further develops processes.
Information on the currently elected committees of the ITG and VK
We offer an information event in digital form for this degree program. More information could be found here.
Study and Examination Regulations [in German]
Studienordnung VK Bachelor, Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen Master (S. 2 - 53)
Prüfungsordnung VK Bachelor (Lesefassung)
Application period (Bachelor and Master):
15 January - 15 February for the winter semester
Applications can only be created in the application portal within the deadline.