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New Media

 source: UdK Berlin


The New Media Class is a project-based study class that looks critically at emerging media, technology and culture. Instead of focusing on specific tools, the ethos of the class is to question the status quo in order to enable new possible futures.

During each semester, the class works with a different theme, setting a continuously changing focus that responds to contemporary cultural and technological developments. Working independently or in small groups, students set their own objectives and execution strategies while bringing, communicating and debating their own positions collectively.

Students are expected to develop, prototype and communicate independent works which make innovative and/or critical and poetic use of technology, while questioning social issues or probing new ways of seeing and thinking in the contemporary world. During the intensive discussions in the seminar, a focus is set to the development of conceptual framework, and to how to evolve an idea through prototyping and experimentation.

Structure / Course Offerings

The course is aimed at students of the  BA and MA program of Visual Communication as well as the Arts and Media program. A 'Meisterschüler' graduation is offered for both programs.

Prerequisites for applicants are conceptual, formal aesthetic and technical skills in the field of new media.

The studio project is at the core of the New Media Class. In addition, a series of supporting courses are offered sorrounding specific technical, creative and theoretical aspects of new media.



Guest Prof: Benjamin Maus
E-Mail: b.maus_
Office hours: Monday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. (please add your name to the list ).
Room Gru - 116, Media House

co-teaching with:
Katja Aufleger
E-Mail: k.aufleger_

Zoe Spehr
Maxim Tur
E-Mail: m.tur_



Universität der Künste Berlin
Fakultät Gestaltung
Institut für zeitbasierte Medien
Grunewaldstr. 2-5
10823 Berlin-Schöneberg