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18th Paula Salomon-Lindberg-Competion – Wettbewerb

UdK Berlin

During March 6 – 9, 2024, the Berlin University of the Arts will present the 18th Paula Salomon-Lindberg Competition "Das Lied" – a competition for voice and piano students enrolled at music universities and similar institutions in Europe and Israel.

Paula Salomon-Lindberg studied voice with Julius Raatz-Brockmann at the Berlin Academy of Music, a predecessor of today’s UdK Berlin. She initiated the Lied competition, which first took place in 1989.

1st competition round: 06.03.2024 - Part 1
10.30 to 12.30: Evaluation sessions
14.00 to 15.30: Evaluation sessions
15.30 to 18.00: Evaluation sessions

1st competition round: 07.03.2024 - Part 2
10.30 to 12.00: Evaluation sessions
13.00 to 16.00: Evaluation sessions
approx. 18.00: Announcement of the participants for the 2nd round

2nd round of the competition: 08.03.2024 
10.30 to 12:30: Evaluation sessions
13.30 to 16.00: Evaluation sessions
18.00 hrs: Announcement of the prize winners

The Awards Concert will take place on Saturday, March 9, 2024, 8 pm at the UdK Berlin Concert Hall.


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