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Johanna Ryynänen: eighty ° – Degree Bachelor/Master

© Johanna Ryynänen

BA Graduate Works 2022

In the search for the act of softening “eighty °” looks into the Finnish sauna tradition and its produced state of being - the state of sauna. The blissful state of being, sweating and breathing.

It is a ceremonial performance that celebrates softening and surrendering through the presence of other heated bodies.

It is a performance driven by longing for a specific mode of togetherness and it is a performance dedicated to the times spent in a sauna with strangers, lovers and friends.

It is an attempt to reimagine ways of being together, to meet one another in an alternate state and to encourage the present bodies to dissolve into a sweating/breathing network/organism.


Johanna Ryynänen (she/her) is a Berlin based dancer, performer and dance maker. Through her work she looks at the body as a space of constant negotiation between the internal and external and explores the forever changing and transforming state of the body-mind. Her work consists of moving bodies, performance and installations in search of the fusion of visual experience and conceptual approach.


Concept, choreography, performance: Johanna Ryynänen
Sound design: Joaquín Ciccolella
Mentor: Siegmar Zacharias
Special thank you for feedback and support during the process for my fellow graduating peers, especially my colloquium group (Gareth, Soomin, Miguel, PaulA, Maud) and Rose Beermann, Diego Agulló and Sandra Umathum. And also for Liisi and Maria for the search for birch leaves even if they didn't make it into the final work.
