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klangzeitort: Antipodes – Concert of Kollektiv Unruhe (D) + Ensemble Orbis (FR) – Konzert

Kollektiv Unruhe

Premieres of Ádám Bajnok, Ilona Perger, Demian Rudel Rey, Daphné Hejebri, Eneko Lacalle Berasategui

The ANTIPODES project by the two young ensembles Kollektiv Unruhe and Ensemble Orbis aims to harmonise the local community and international exchange while preserving identity. It connects Berlin and Lyon through music, with Luxembourg at the centre.

Further performances: 24.11.2024,12h30 Uhr: rainy days festival, Philharmonie Luxembourg; 26.11.2024, Salle Garcin, Lyon
