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Mabel O. Wilson: "Studio&: A Black Study" – Special Event

Dario Calmese

Mabel O. Wilson, guest in the lecture series "Koloniale Amnesie" (Prof. Dr. Natasha A. Kelly)

Guest: Tuesday, 5.12.2023: Mabel O. Wilson zum Thema "Studio&: A Black Study"
Guest lecture in English


Streaming Link:

Mabel O. Wilson is the Leibinger Fellow at the American Academy Berlin, the Nancy and George Rupp Professor of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation and Professor of African American and African Diaspora Studies at Columbia University, where she recently served as director of the Institute for Research in African American Studies (IRAAS) and co-directs the Global Africa Lab. Her research investigates space, politics and cultural memory in Black America; race and modern architecture; new technologies and the social production of space; and visual culture in contemporary art, media and film. Through her transdisciplinary practice Studio&, an art, research, and design practice spanning written works, performances, architectural and curatorial projects, critical research, and installations, Wilson makes visible and legible the ways that anti-Black racism shapes the built environment along with the ways that Blackness creates spaces of imagination, refusal and desire. 

The guest lecture takes place within the framework of the lecture "Koloniale Amnesie" by Prof. Dr. Natasha A. Kelly.
