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Nina Wesemann: still moving, yet still – Degree Bachelor/Master

© Nina Wesemann

BA Graduate Works 2022

A photo camera, a person, a projection. Any possible relationship to be discovered and explored while individual rhythms are at work and hearable. Raising, slowing down, sometimes going alongside, sometimes missing each other. Who is in control and how many eyes are looking? When do stills become movement and can a body ever be still?

STILL MOVING, YET STILL is an exploration of image making, the quality of perspectives and the question of how do we perceive and remember movement.


Nina was born and raised in Cologne where she grew up with one older brother. She studied documentary filmmaking at the University of Film and Television in Munich. She graduated with her feature film KINDER, that premiered at Berlinale in 2019. She moved to Berlin to study dance and choreography at HZT Berlin and to work as a cameraperson and director. Ever since she is interested in finding ways to combine her different working fields.


Choreography/ Dance: Nina Wesemann
System: Daniel Hengst
With the help of the hzt-graduation-year-group 2022 and Frauke Havemann.
