Stefanie Alf, NO MORE SOLO - de:fragmented – Degree Bachelor/Master
maC Final Work
NO MORE SOLO - de:fragmented investigates how our way of life and perception of the world is changing through the use of digital media. People change through the use of digital media. What happens to our way of life and perception of the world? How is the concept of space and time changing? We have to reflect and imagine what humankind is and should be for us today.
In a choreographic installation, eight performers will present their respective perspectives on the phenomenon of the digitized human being. At the same time, and yet spatially isolated, the performers show imagined bodies of the futures that were developed from their own experiences.
Choreography and concept: Stefanie Alf
Dance: Mara Louise Atkins, Leo Naomi Baur, Ronja Solveig Eick, Francesca Karmrodt, Emiko Tamura, Momo Tanner
Dramaturgy: Mara Louise Atkins
Lightdesign: Robert Lange
Sounddesign: Stefanie Alf, Robert Lange
Corina Hofner