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Valentina Menz: MAGMA – Degree Bachelor/Master

© Roberto Duarte

maC Final Work

MAGMA explores the impulse of life.

When the earth trembles, unrest arises. Unrest moves us. We would like to explore unrest as a potential with three dancers and a musician.
What happens when we get into the relation of forces of frequencies, rhythms and temporalities as resonance of affects?
We invite the audience to join us in the search for an awake state, and together with us to perceive inquietude as a stream of intensities and to transform it into liveliness.


Concept & Choreographie: Valentina Menz Nash
Composition: Gonzalo Ramos Castro
Dance: Noumissa Sidibé, Eva Leemans und Naomi-Elisha Wiener
Lighting design: Nicolás San Martín
Stage design: Gonzalo Barahona und Olga Bogatishcheva Krupatina
Costume: Joshua Ress
Dramaturgical assistance: Ulrike Kießling
