Childcare through the closure of daycare centres and schools
For all employees in administration and service who are unable to guarantee care at short notice due to the closure of daycare centres and schools, the following applies with immediate effect
16 June 2020
1. a one-off release of up to 20 days with retention of remuneration is possible on informal application if acute care for children up to twelve years of age and children with increased care requirements / disability cannot be guaranteed.
Please send your applications informally by e-mail to your superiors and the Head of Human Resources.
The application will be considered approved immediately.
2. In the event of illness of the children, the previous rules continue to apply undiminished.
3. to ensure the care of the children:
Informal application for leave or flexitime by e-mail to superiors using flexitime / overtime.
4. the possibility of minus times will be increased with immediate effect, so that including the three-day release (point 1), ten days of flexibility will be immediately available.
5. flexible use of home office:
Short-term informal requests can be made to your superiors. Please include your job reference, first and last name and a mobile phone number. Home office can be requested by employees who have an intra-account. Your superiors are informed about the details. For all employees of the administration with Intra-Account the Web-Access for the business email address can be used:
Employees from risk groups
6. Employees who belong to risk groups as defined by the RKI ( should also make use of the aforementioned flexible rules on flexitime (flex days, minus minutes), holidays and home office.
Employees from risk groups can also be granted a three-day leave of absence immediately upon informal application. Please submit a medical certificate to the Personnel Department either at the same time as your application or at a later date.
Members of the university
7. You can find current information on the location of the closures of schools, kindergartens and day care centres on the website of the Senate Administration for Education, Youth and Family:
8. University members have access to emergency childcare provided by the education partner "KidsMobil". Further information on the procedure can be found here.