Regulations at the UdK Berlin according to the decree of the state of Berlin as of 3.7.2021
A) Audience
It applies from 3.7.2021:
"State, private and confessional universities including their facilities may be opened to the public."
- Numbers for public are based on university hygiene policies for the various rooms.
- All audience members must provide a negative test - with the exception of dually vaccinated and recovered individuals who provide proof of this.
B) Admission of external / non-university people
- External / non-university people attending university formats (classes, rehearsals, performances, workshops, research, etc.) at the invitation of university members will no longer require special permission from university administration as of 3/7/21. Names will be registered directly at the gate by the appropriate departments (institutes / professorships / units, etc.).
- The university remains closed only for those non-university persons who want to enter the houses unannounced and without reason.
C) Opening hours of the houses
- The current opening hours for the houses will continue to apply until the end of the summer semester, i.e. until September 30, 2021. This means:
a. all houses (except Einsteinufer, HA41, Grainauer Str., Karlsruher Str., JIB).
- Monday to Thursday, 8 a.m. - 10 p.m.
- Friday and Saturday, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
b. additionally in HA33, Lietzenburger Str., Bundesallee and Fasanenstraße:
- Sunday, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
c. Individual agreement on the opening hours of the following houses without a gate will be made as before with GA and the Registrar: HA41, Grainauer Str., Karlsruher Str., JIB - within the aforementioned hours.
d. Einsteinufer: Monday to Friday, 7 am - 8 pm. (JIB: separate regulation, see c).
D) Mobile working in administration and service - regulations for office workplaces
- As of June 30, 2021, the ordinance of the State of Berlin removes the requirement that only a maximum of 50% of the persons in office workplaces may work in presence.
- Accordingly, as of July 1, 2021, the following will apply: the presence required for university and study operations will also be provided in administration and service at the university. Single offices are preferable; in case of multiple occupancy, the orientation 10sqm per person applies (although with appropriate ventilation, e.g. 19sqm for 2 persons is also sufficient for office workplaces, if 1.5 meter spacing is possible).
- The regulation of the service agreement "mobile working" with the corresponding possibilities of mobile working continue to apply until the end of September 2021.
E) General
- All other regulations (mandatory testing, mandatory masks, spacing, etc.) continue to apply unabated.
- The registration of the persons present will be done as usual at the gate and in the events.