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Statements of solidarity from related institutions

The European Alliance of Academies condemns the war against Ukraine

Press release from 7 March 2022

The unthinkable has happened: War in Europe. This war polarizes. In particular with regard to the question of how to deal with Russian and Belarusian artists who publicly position themselves against the war.

Despite this neuralgic point, the European Alliance of Academies has agreed by a large majority on the following statement:

The European Alliance of Academies condemns the war against Ukraine
The transnational alliance invites Ukrainian art academies to join and calls for dialogue with artists in Russia and Belarus

The European Alliance of Academies condemns Putin's war and declares its solidarity with the people of Ukraine. The European Alliance of Academies invites Ukrainian art academies and cultural institutions to join the pan-European alliance. Russian and Belarusian artists and academics who are raising their voices against the war at great personal risk are also invited to join the European Alliance of Academies. They have our solidarity. Freedom of the press and freedom of expression are more important than ever, which is why the alliance is expressing its gratitude to and solidarity with all critical journalists. Political and economic sanctions which extend to the realm of civil society and to the artistic and academic sphere, should instead be solved through critical dialogue. This has always been the right course of action and must be maintained. The worlds’ war power ability easily can destroy all of our civilizations at once.

The European Alliance of Academies is committed to cultural unity and transnational solidarity. On the initiative of Jeanine Meerapfel, President of the Akademie der Künste, Berlin, this European peace project was founded in October 2020. The founding manifesto states: “Art and culture are essential for a functioning democracy and for social cohesion. We stand for the freedom of the arts as a prerequisite for our cultural, social and political way of life. The independence of artistic positions and institutions from political, national and religious prescriptions is the foundation of democracy.”

The European Alliance of Academies currently has 67 members. Its structure, which has so far concentrated on the member states of the EU, is to be extended from now on to embrace geographical Europe. 

Press contact and press photo:
030 200 57-1514

Deutscher Musikrat verurteilt Krieg gegen die Ukraine

Press release from 3 March 2022

Nach Ausbruch des Angriffskriegs Russlands gegen die Ukraine sind derzeit Millionen Menschen in der Ukraine bedroht und auf der Flucht. Die bisher geltenden politischen Regeln Europas wurden durch den Krieg massiv gebrochen.

Hierzu Prof. Martin Maria Krüger, Präsident des Deutschen Musikrates: „Der brutale Krieg, den Präsident Putin gegen die Ukraine führt, entsetzt den Deutschen Musikrat. Der Krieg bedeutet einen schwerwiegenden Angriff auf die Grundprinzipien der Demokratie und Freiheit in Europa, eine Katastrophe für die Zivilbevölkerung der Ukraine und auch einen Schlag gegen das traditionsreiche und vielfältige Kulturleben in der Ukraine, von dem vieles in der Zerstörungswut und aufgrund der unklaren Zukunftsperspektiven verloren gehen wird. Wir stehen in Solidarität zu den Menschen in der Ukraine und auf der Flucht und werden uns gemeinsam mit den Mitgliedern des Deutschen Musikrates für sie einsetzen. Die Musik vereint alle friedliebenden Menschen – ob in der Ukraine, Russland oder anderswo. Sie vermag in diesen schweren Tagen Verbindung zu schaffen, Trost zu spenden und Kräfte zu mobilisieren, um die nun anstehenden, gewaltigen politischen und gesellschaftlichen Aufgaben zu bewältigen.“

In der Kultur, ebenso wie in anderen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen Deutschlands, wird auf den Krieg mit klaren Zeichen der Solidarität reagiert. Der Deutsche Musikrat stellt Informationen zu Solidaritäts- und Hilfsmaßnahmen aus dem Musikbereich auf bereit. Die Seite wird laufend aktualisiert.

Deutscher Musikrat e.V.


DHV ruft zur Solidarität mit der Ukraine auf       

Press release from 2 March 2022

Der Deutsche Hochschulverband (DHV) verurteilt den völkerrechtswidrigen Angriff Russlands auf die Ukraine. „Dieser von Wladimir Putin angezettelte Krieg ist ein herber Rückschlag und hat auch massive Auswirkungen auf die Wissenschaftsbeziehungen. Unsere Gedanken sind in diesen dunklen Stunden vor allem bei den ukrainischen Studierenden, Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern, die infolge der russischen Aggression um ihr Leben fürchten und ihr Land verlassen müssen”, erklärte der Kölner Völkerrechtler und DHV-Präsident Professor Dr. Bernhard Kempen. „Sie haben und brauchen unsere uneingeschränkte Solidarität. Politik und Hochschulen sind gefordert, nunmehr alles daran zu setzen, um schnellstmöglich tragfähige umfassende Unterstützungsprogramme für die Bedrängten anzubieten.”

Großen Respekt zollte Kempen den russischen Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die sich in einem Offenen Brief gegen die Invasion in der Ukraine gewandt haben. „Diese Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler beweisen mit ihrer Unterschrift außerordentlichen Mut. Sie sind ein hohes persönliches Risiko eingegangen, denn es drohen ihnen Entlassung, Verhaftung oder Schlimmeres”, so der DHV-Präsident weiter. „Auch unseren russischen Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die keineswegs einheitlich hinter Putins Kriegskurs stehen, fühlen wir uns weiterhin sehr verbunden.”

Gleichwohl sei es richtig, einstweilen die institutionellen deutsch-russischen Wissenschaftsbeziehungen auf Eis zu legen. „Die russische Aggression erfordert eine deutliche und entschlossene Antwort der freien Welt. Dem kann und darf sich die Wissenschaft nicht entziehen, da sie die demokratischen Grundwerte von Freiheit und Selbstbestimmung teilt”, betonte Kempen. Die Hoffnung bleibe, dass alsbald an dem fruchtbaren Wissenschaftsaustausch mit Russland wieder angeknüpft werden könne. „In der gegenwärtigen politischen Konstellation ist dies vorerst leider unmöglich”, erklärte Kempen abschließend.


Press contact
Deutscher Hochschulverband

Bündnis internationaler Produktionshäuser: Statement of Solidarity

Press release from 25 February 2022

The Alliance of International Production Houses condemns in the strongest possible terms the invasion and start of war by Russian troops in Ukraine and the related blatant violation of international law. We are shocked by the extent of the violation of human rights, the violence against the Ukrainian population and the extraordinary threat to peace in Europe. We declare our solidarity with all peace-loving people and we stand up for the protection of democratic, open societies. As internationally working production houses, we use our contacts and networks to give a voice to and stand by threatened artists and colleagues with our means and work programmes.

Bündnis internationaler Produktionshäuser e.V.


DAAD restricts academic exchange with Russia

Press release from 25 February 2022

Following the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is restricting its exchange with the Russian Federation. At the same time, the exchange organisation is sticking to its long-standing partner institutions in Russia. 

"Russia's attack on Ukraine was and is a massive violation of international law. There can be no normal relations with a state that is waging a war of aggression against its neighbouring country in the middle of Europe, not even in foreign science policy. That is why we are currently restricting the German-Russian exchange relations funded by the DAAD," said DAAD President Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee.

The DAAD is stopping applications for Russia scholarships and cancelling the selection for DAAD scholarships to Russia. Even German scholarship holders who have already been selected cannot currently receive financial support for a planned stay in Russia. The DAAD expects German universities to suspend all DAAD-funded project activities with partner institutions in Russia and Belarus. 

"We know that this step also creates injustice and affects numerous academics and students who are committed to peaceful and constitutional conditions as well as good neighbourly relations. We are aware that many of our Russian friends and our Russian partner institutions reject the campaign against Ukraine from the bottom of their hearts. At the same time, in view of the war, we believe it is imperative to critically review the promotion of exchange relations with Russia," Joybrato Mukherjee continued.

The measures taken now - in consultation with the German government and after discussion with the German Rectors' Conference and the German universities - could be further adjusted in the coming days and weeks. "We must recognise that we are facing a major foreign, defence and security policy challenge. A challenge that has not been seen in this form in Europe since the Second World War and which is shaking the European foundation of values. Foreign science policy must also ask itself what contribution it can make to the overall strategy of the German government and the European Union to isolate Russia," says the DAAD President.


Press contact
Michael Flacke
Head of Press Office / Press Officer – SB03
DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service
+49 228 882-454

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) declares its support for its partners in Ukraine

Press release from 24 February 2022

"As the DAAD, we are appalled by Russia's attack on Ukraine, a sovereign state in Europe. Furthermore, we are deeply concerned about the lives of the people and the well-being of our partner organisations in Ukraine. As the DAAD, we stand for peaceful and free exchange in the sciences and for a cross-border community of teachers, researchers, and students all over the world. This requires the worldwide observance of international law. Especially today, our solidarity is therefore with the people and our partners in Ukraine," said DAAD President Prof. Dr Joybrato Mukherjee.

The DAAD will closely monitor the situation and developments on the ground and, in close consultation with the Federal Government and in exchange with the German Rectors' Conference and the German universities, will assess in the coming days and weeks how academic cooperation with Ukraine can be shaped. "Part of the solidarity with Ukraine is not to let foreign science relations break off and to maintain exchange relations even under adverse conditions," said Mukherjee.

Currently, 46 DAAD projects and 62 projects within the framework of Erasmus+ are being funded in Ukraine. Due to the pandemic, the current cooperation is largely taking place digitally. Due to the worsening situation, DAAD funding recipients from Germany have already left Ukraine in the past few days.


Press contact
Michael Flacke
Head of Press Office / Press Officer – SB03
DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service
+49 228 882-454

Solidarity with Ukraine and Ukrainian universities: HRK condemns Russian attack

Press release from 24 February 2022

In a statement, the President of the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK), Professor Dr Peter-André Alt, has strongly condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
This is a deeply distressing day. Our solidarity goes out to the people of Ukraine and especially to our academic partners. We are very concerned about the lives and the well-being of Ukrainian academics and students. The German universities will assist them within the scope of their capabilities. It is also foreseeable that these developments will cause serious damage to German-Russian academic relations. We will have to examine the relevant consequences in detail.
The HRK will explore the possibilities for continuing and shaping university and academic relations with Ukraine and Russia in cooperation with the German academic organisations – in particular with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – and in consultation with the Federal Government.
The war is also hitting Germany’s and Ukraine’s links in higher education: Ukraine is an important country of origin among international students in Germany. In the summer semester of 2021, more than 8,200 Ukrainian students were studying at German universities (source: Federal Statistical Office). The universities of both countries are also linked institutionally in many ways: there are currently 257 partnerships with Ukraine involving 113 German and 89 Ukrainian higher education institutions 


Hochschulrektorenkonferenz / German Rectors‘ Conference
Ralf Kellershohn
Deputy Press Officer
T: 030-206 292-27

Einstein Foundation Berlin strongly condemns the attack on Ukraine

Press release from 24 February 2022

The Einstein Foundation Berlin has been following Russia’s appalling attack on Ukraine over recent hours with horror. Until very recently, a war in Europe had been unimaginable, but now we are facing a conflict that will cost many lives, cause immeasurable suffering, and blatantly contravene international law in every respect.

As an institution that is committed to supporting and nurturing the development of the arts and sciences, as an institution that recognizes international cooperation as the foundation of all progress, and which bears the name of a man who does not just represent science and the pursuit of knowledge but who tirelessly promoted peace during his lifetime, we vehemently object to any aggression against the sovereign state of Ukraine and its people. We call for an immediate end to all military action by Russia.

The Einstein Foundation Berlin also assures its solidarity with its Ukrainian partners in science, art, and the civilian population, and with all civilians in both Ukraine and Russia opposing this war and the mass disinformation campaigns that preceded it, and who are committed to peace and cooperation.


Press contact 
Christian T. Martin
Head of Communications

T: +49 (0) 30 20 370 248
F: +49 (0) 30 20 370 377


ELIA condemns military aggression by Russian forces against Ukraine

Press release from 24 February 2022

ELIA, the globally connected European network of Higher Arts Education, sharply condemns the military aggression by Russian forces against Ukraine, a sovereign European state. We are saddened by the loss of life and human suffering inflicted by this unprovoked attack which has no place in the 21st century.

Our thoughts go out to the partners of ELIA members in Ukraine: arts universities and art academies, many of whom collaborate with ELIA members through the Erasmus+ exchange programme and other programmes that foster cultural and academic understanding. We are deeply concerned for the wellbeing of artists, students and academics in the arts and their families. Exchange, research and collaboration across borders can only flourish in freedom and peace.

Thousands of Ukrainian and Russian students, academics, artists and researchers in art practice are working together peacefully all over Europe. We stand by them in solidarity.


Andrea B. Braidt
ELIA - European League of Institutes of the Arts