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The Berlin University of the Arts (UdK Berlin) Code of Conduct

20th June 2024

The Berlin University of the Arts (UdK Berlin) commits to the following:
Staff, teachers, students and associates of the UdK Berlin (collectively referred to as “members of the UdK Berlin community”) are committed to fostering a positive, integrative, and discrimination-sensitive learning and working environment. This Code of Conduct serves as a statement of intent for all individuals associated with the university, including external service providers and guests, and is a call to each member to continually reflect on their interactions and behaviors toward others.

In particular, members of the UdK Berlin community who hold educational, qualification-related, and leadership roles are to be aware of their duty of care and responsibility to prevent abuse of power, boundary violations, and discrimination within their areas of influence.

This Code of Conduct outlines the expected standards of behavior and identifies conduct that is unacceptable.

1. Respectful Cooperation and Communication

Freedom of expression is crucial to the UdK Berlin university culture.

Language shapes patterns of thought and action. As such, it is also powerful and can potentially be a cause of exclusion and harm. Every member of the UdK Berlin community should be mindful of this, consider the implications of their words, and strive to use language in ways that prevent the discrimination, degradation, stigmatization or violation of others.

In all situations and contexts, members of the UdK Berlin community shall treat each other with respect and esteem. Behavior that runs counter to this will not be tolerated. Any university community member affected by such behavior is encouraged to report the incident to one of the responsible UdK contact points listed under section 6.

In cases of discrimination, these contact points will assume the perspective of the affected individual. They will investigate the incident confidentially, advise the affected person, and provide information to support that individual’s autonomy and empowerment.

In cases of conflict between two or more university community members, discussions between parties should be fact-based and solution-oriented to promote mutual understanding and resolve conflicts before they escalate into long-term problems. To clarify such situations, active listening, empathetic action, conversation and, if necessary, (external) mediation or coaching are recommended.
All forms of collaboration require communication that conveys constructive criticism fairly, cooperatively, and non-violently, regardless of status or group affiliation. Insults, threats, verbal abuse, and comments that damage others’ reputations will not be tolerated.

We aspire to transparency and clarity in communication and decision-making processes at all levels.

The principles detailed above also apply to digital communication.

2. Teaching and Studies

Certain teaching and learning formats at an arts university are characterized by specific hierarchies and relationships of trust. Such formats require special attention.

University community members and guests of the UdK Berlin strive to create a work and study environment that prioritizes the protection of personal rights and mutual respect. The dynamics of physical and emotional closeness and distance in research, artistic practice, teaching, and administration should be continually reflected upon. Teaching is to occur on campus at the university or in public spaces, not in private homes or areas not recognized as part of the university’s infrastructure.

Any form of power abuse, including harassment, bullying, and any other type of unethical behavior, will not be tolerated, and decisive action will be taken against such transgressions. Power abuse is defined as any inappropriate exercise of influence, authority, or control with the intent to harm, oppress, or discriminate against others.

Teachers and staff at the UdK Berlin shall protect students, as a particularly vulnerable group, from power abuse, sexual harassment, and all forms of violence.

Unconsidered and inappropriate communication can violate personal boundaries and constitute discrimination. A fair and respectful feedback culture is to be the goal in all teaching formats. Regular training and workshops on diversity, awareness of all forms of discrimination, and communication are available to university community members and should be attended.

Members of the UdK Berlin university community are committed to the equitable distribution of tasks and workloads in the contexts of study, teaching, and university administration. This includes recognizing the often invisible work that goes on behind the scenes, such as caregiving, organizational tasks, and emotional labor. All members of the UdK Berlin community are encouraged to participate actively in these efforts and to ensure that all forms of work are valued equally.

3. Diversity, Anti-Discrimination, and Equality

Members of the UdK Berlin community understand diversity as a lived experience, considering it an enrichment that enhances artistic and academic excellence.

Cultural diversity shall be respected and valued. Members of the UdK Berlin community are to avoid out-of-context appropriation, imitation, or use of cultural elements without appropriate recognition, respect, and understanding of their meaning and origins.

The dignity of every person is to be respected and protected at all times, regardless of gender, ethnic origin, racist or anti-Semitic attribution, religion, worldview, physical or mental impairment, neurological diversity, chronic illness, age, language, sexual and gender identity, and social status.

Discrimination perceived as such by an individual or individuals will be taken seriously. This means that it will be respected that discrimination exists for a person if they feel discriminated against or offended by a statement or behavior.

Members of the UdK Berlin community are committed to maintaining an inclusive environment that allows for self-determined participation and equal treatment. Physical, technical, and social barriers are to be dismantled to provide unrestricted access to education and resources for all members of the UdK Berlin community and their guests.

All types of discrimination should be strongly opposed.

As part of hiring and recruitment processes, as well as applications for admission to study programs, members of the UdK Berlin community involved in research, teaching, and administration will actively reach out to suitable candidates. They will consider multiple dimensions of diversity and inform candidates of relevant vacancies and opportunities so as to support the university’s equality and diversity goals.

4. Scholarship and Artistic Practice

Freedom of expression and of research are vital to both scholarship and artistic practice. Pursuit of continuous development in the arts and scholarship is to take place in a working environment that fundamentally upholds and supports these academic and artistic freedoms at all levels of human interaction. This environment should be characterized by an open culture of debate based on reasoned, fact-based argument and mutual respect. It should also support an institutional climate in which all members of the UdK Berlin community can work and voice their opinions without fear of social or professional repercussions.

The UdK Berlin considers honesty and integrity to be core tenets of both scholarship and artistic practice. Actions taken should reflect best-practice examples of academic conduct.

Teachers commit to supporting students and researchers in their development and respecting their artistic and scholarly autonomy. Teaching is understood as learning together in dialogue.

Prospective students, current students, artists and researchers who can no longer live and work in their country of origin on account of their ethnicity, religious affiliation, sexual orientation or political views are to be supported wherever possible.

5. Sustainability

The looming climate catastrophe is a threat to all life. Because of this, members of the UdK Berlin community are committed to acting responsibly with regard to the environment. The UdK Berlin Climate Charter was created to further these efforts and to encourage more members of the university community to embrace its principles and integrate them into daily life and practice.

6. Conflict Resolution and Support Resources

In cases of discrimination or behavior that otherwise violates this Code of Conduct, the UdK Berlin offers the following contact options for individuals seeking support, advise, or to file a complaint:
- (anonymous) Support against Discrimination and Violence
- (official) Report a violation of Germany’s General Equal Treatment Act (AGG)
- Dedicated Women and Gender Equality Officer
- Employee Representatives’ Council
- Diversity Officer
- Representative for the Severely Disabled
- Office for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses
- AStA UdK Berlin, Department of Anti-Discrimination


This Code of Conduct will be reviewed and updated every two years by an editorial team composed of representatives of all status groups. All colleges and institutes are encouraged to share the content of the Code of Conduct and/or effectively integrate it into their teaching and learning practices.

The Berlin University of the Arts (UdK Berlin) is subject to the following legal statutes, policies and guidelines:
Critical Diversity Policy, December 7, 2022 
Bylaws for the Realization of Equal Opportunities (in German only), July 9, 2020 
UdK Berlin Guidelines on the Promotion of Women (1993/2015) (in German only), April 23, 2015 
Equality Concept (in German only) (2021–25)
Guidelines for Protection against (Sexualized) Discrimination, Harassment, and Violence (in German only), June 29, 2019 
University of the Arts (UdK) Berlin Inclusion Agreement for the Integration and Professional Advancement of People with Disabilities in accordance with Sect. 166 SGB IX (in German only), February 13, 2023
Institutional Agreement 2024–2028 University of the Arts including Appendices (in German only) 
Social Media Netiquette 
President's Guidelines for Online Teaching (in German only)
Guidelines for Good Academic Practice at the UdK Berlin, August 2023 

State of Berlin Statutes:
State Equal Opportunities Act for Gender Equality in the Berlin State Civil Service (LGG) (in German only)
Berlin State Anti-Discrimination Act (LADG), June 21, 2020, English version available as PDF 
Berlin State Higher Education Act (BerlHG), in the respective current version (in German only)

German Federal Statutes:
General Equal Treatment Act (AGG), May 23, 2022 

The Code of Conduct of the UdK Berlin can be downloaded here.