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Coin with print

Foto: Salwa Aleryani

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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends of the Graduate School,

We are happy to share with you the latest news from the Graduate School, its fellows and alumni. 


Graduate School

Coin with image

Foto: Salwa Aleryani


Salwa Aleryani

January 2020: We are very pleased to welcome our new fellow Salwa Aleryani at the Graduate School. Her fellowship is funded by Einstein Foundation Berlin (program to foster academic freedom).

Titel auf rotem Grund

Foto: Graduiertenschule


Salon series featured in HRK-EXPERTISE-Manual

January 2020: For the first time, the Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK) introduces an artistic program in one of its manuals: our Salon für Ästhetische Experimente. 


Current Fellows

12X12-Program at Berlinische Galerie

5 February – 2 March 2020: Berlinische Galerie screens Yalda Afsah's films Vidourle and Tourneur in the IBB-Video Space.

  Men in murky water

Foto: Yalda Afsah


IdeasCity Singapore

22 February 2020: Rindon Johnson will be giving a short lecture on his work and presenting his newest VR Film Meat Growers in the free public program Solidarity with Nature at NTU CCA Ideas Fest in Singapore.

  Video still from the VR Film "Meat Growers"

Foto: Rindon Johnson


Former Fellows

Quick Silver Cloud

Foto: Darsha Hewitt


Transmediale 2020 – Group Exhibition The Eternal Network

28 January – 1 March 2020Darsha Hewitt exhibits 100 Year Old Quicksilver Cloud as part of the month-long group exhibition The Eternal Network in the frame of the transmediale 2020 End to End. The transmediale takes place at Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) in Berlin.


Foto: Benjamin Krieg


Aids Follies

14 February 2020: Genoël von Lilienstern composed and directed the music for Aids Follies, a mixture of lecture performance, musical revue and political theatre. In February Aids Follies will be shown at studio brut in Vienna.

sculpural spatial installation

Foto: Kerstin Ergenzinger


Pluvial at KIT

14 February – 17 May 2020: Kerstin Ergenzinger's work Pluvial is part of the group exhibition degree_show – out of KHM at KIT in Düsseldorf. 

Film still with landscape

Foto: Clarissa Thieme


Was bleibt I Šta ostaje I What remains / Re-visited

22.-29. Februar 2020: The new film Was bleibt I Šta ostaje I What remains / Re-visited by our former fellow Clarissa Thieme celebrates its world premiere at Berlinale Forum 2020. On February 24, Thieme meets our current fellow Didem Pekün for an artist talk after one of the screenings.


Foto: Jan Grygoriew


La dernière Crise – Frauen am Rande der Komik: Immer Ich!

20 March 2020: Vanessa Stern introduces a new episode of her large comedy laboratory show La Dernière Crise - Frauen am Rande der Komik in the Festsaal at Sophiensæle in Berlin.


Herausgeber: Universität der Künste Berlin, Der Präsident
Verantwortlich: Lena Loose (Drittmittelakquise, Informationsmanagement und Veranstaltungen)
Mitarbeit: Anne Hanauer (studentische Mitarbeit)
Texte/ Redaktion: Anne Hanauer

der Universität der Künste Berlin
Postfach 12 05 44
10595 Berlin

Einsteinufer 43, Raum 207

Telefon +49 / (0)30 / 3185 2105
Telefax +49 / (0)30 / 3185 162 713
Email: graduiertenschule@udk-berlin.de


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