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Film still from Clarissa Thieme's film

Foto: Clarissa Thieme

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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends,


We are happy to announce our new call for application. The Graduate School is offering at least four fellowships that start in April 2019 and last for two years.

Furthermore, we warmly invite you to the next Salons für Ästhetische Experimente at Haus der Kulturen der Welt. Mid-April our fellow Clarissa Thieme presents Performing the Archive”. The salon “On Sonic Grounds” by our fellow Bnaya Halperin-Kaddari takes place at the end of May.

It follows a range of announcements concerning our current fellows. For example, the film “Today is 11th June 1993“ by our fellow Clarissa Thieme premiered last month at Berlinale and our fellow Lisa Glauer published her dissertation “...später baut sie Atomschiffe“. We also have some news from our alumni and former colleagues…

Video still featuring some people watching something unknown on a light reflecting screen.

Foto: Nino Klingler, Zeynep Tuna


Call for Applications

The Graduate School is offering at least four new fellowships that start in April 2019 and last for two years.  more


#11 Performing the Archive

Based on the inextricable difference between event and re-presentation, "Performing the Archive" examines artistic strategies of translating, transfering and approaching communicative blank spaces that are our singular experiences. more

  The time maschine in an exhibition space.

Foto: Clarissa Thieme

Panorama with bursting bubbles

Foto: Avital Halperin


#12 On Sonic Grounds

How does the sound of a place carry its memories? And what could the sonic teach us about unstable grounds?

A talk and concert with fellow Bnaya Halperin-Kaddari, guest Roni Brenner with his prepared guitar and Jan Verwoert. more


Current Fellows

Film premiere “Today is 11th June“

Clarissa Thieme's film “Today is 11th June“ premiered at Berlinale/ Forum Expanded. more

  Film still from Clarissa Thieme's film

Foto: Clarissa Thieme

Still from Marco Donnarummas Performance

Foto: Onuk


Lecture & Performance @ Club Transmediale

Marco Donnarumma gave the lecture “The Restlessness of Hybridity” and presented his performance “Corpus Nil: Eingeweide” during this year’s Club Transmediale (CTM).  more


“Navigating Noise”

Kerstin Ergenzinger is one of the publishers of "Navigating Noise" that was published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König Berlin. more

  Book cover of "Navigating Noise"

Foto: Buchcover


Group Exhibition "How To Beat The February Blues"

Lisa Glauer is showing some of her work in the group exhibition "How To Beat The February Blues" at The Ballery Berlin that is still open until 6 March. more

  Flyer for an event by The Ballery

Foto: The Ballery

Round bowl

Foto: Bnaya Halperin-Kaddari


New Video on the Graduate School Vimeo Channel

Bnaya Halperin-Kaddari uploaded a video from the premier of his concert “GroundWork Θ“ in Tel Aviv last December. more



Solo Exhibition “Once Upon A Time, Once Upon No Time“

Azin Feizabadi's solo exhibition “Once Upon A Time, Once Upon No Time“ that takes place in the frame of UP (Unsustainable Privileges) at Galerie Wedding is still open until 24 March. more

  Film still

Foto: Galerie Wedding

Portrait of Genoel von Lilienstern

Foto: Jenny Kropp


Concerts 2018

Genoël von Lilienstein presents this year again concerts on the international scene. Here a list of his upcoming concerts. more


"Medienkunst als Nebenprodukt"

Lioudmila Voropai's new book "Medienkunst als Nebenprodukt: Studien zur institutionellen Genealogie neuer künstlerischer Medien, Formen und Praktiken" was published by transcript Verlag. more

  Book cover of "Media Art as a By-Product"

Foto: Buchcover

Book cover

Foto: Pedro Stoichita


Exhibition “(C8H8)n - Im Labor der éditions polystyrene”

The gallery neurotitan presents until 10 March the exhibition “(C8H8)n - Im Labor der éditions polystyrene” with works by artists of the French comic publisher éditions polystyrène – one of them is Pedro Stoichita. more


Former colleagues

Book Launch "Hans Heinz Holz. Die Sinnlichkeit der Vernunft. Letzte Gespräche"

Martin Küpper coedited the new book “Hans Heinz Holz. Die Sinnlichkeit der Vernunft. Letzte Gespräche”. Its book launch with Arnold Schölzel will take place in the Ladengalerie of Tageszeitung junge Welt in Berlin. more

  Book cover with a portrait of Hans Heinz Holz

Foto: junge Welt Verlag

The performers on a bench with dogs.

Foto: Florian Krauß


Performance “Hundeplatz”

Sophiensaele presents the performance “Hundeplatz” by Hendrik Quast and Maika Knoblich. more


Herausgeber: Universität der Künste Berlin, Der Präsident
Verantwortlich: Lena Loose (Drittmittelakquise, Informationsmanagement und Veranstaltungen)
Mitarbeit: Anne Hanauer (studentische Mitarbeit)
Texte/ Redaktion: Anne Hanauer

der Universität der Künste Berlin
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Email: graduiertenschule@udk-berlin.de


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