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Bunter Kirmes Flyer mit Veranstaltungsdaten von "Ein Word der Warnung"

Foto: Graduiertenschule

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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends of the Graduate School,

This Thursday we celebrate the exhibition opening of "A Word of Warning" at Spike Gallery in Berlin and we would be happy to see you there.

The one world you knew never existed. There's always been more than one, and that one was but a dream. Welcome to realities. Warning: this goes to the core. Note: lots may still happen.

A project with performances, exhibition and talks by the fellows and associates of the Graduate School, Yalda Afsah, Neslihan Arol, Anthony Green, Rindon Johnson, Mariam Mekiwi, Didem Pekün and Romily Alice Walden. Curator of the exhibition is Jan Verwoert. At the same time, it is his farewell from the Graduate School, because Övül Durmuşoğlu takes over his position as visiting professor. She will also present the next Salon für Ästhetische Experimente “Words for Struggle” at HKW. 

Besides our upcoming events, we keep you up-to-date with the latest news of our (former) fellows and employees. 


Graduate School at BAS

Bunter Kirmes Flyer mit Veranstaltungsdaten von "Ein Word der Warnung"

Foto: Graduiertenschule


A Word of Warning

19/09, 7pm vernissage, performance Anthony R. Green
21/09, 7pm film screening
22/09, 6pm discussion / finissage
opening hours exhibition: 20 -22/09 1pm – 8pm


Comedy & Laughter Discussions (Workshop)

22 September 2019: In the framework of the exhibition "A Word of Warning", our associate Neslihan Arol will hold the workshop "Comedy & Laughter Discussions".


Foto: Neslihan Arol

Three hijacked jets on desert airstrip near Amman, Jordan

Foto: Johan Grimonprez: „Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y“


#15 Words for Struggle: How to Unearth Liberatory Languages Buried by History?

14 October 2019: The salon "Words for struggle" is concerned with the question how to unearth liberatory languages buried by history. A conversation with Övül Durmuşoğlu and Marwa Arsanios.


Current Fellows

Google Maps Residency

1 August - 30 September 2019: “Wherever You Are I’ll Find You” is a two month Google Maps Residency. Our fellow Romily Alice Walden will be mapping sick, crip and disabled care networks across physical and digital spaces.

  white cabels

Foto: Romily Alice Walden

Video still of the film

Foto: Yalda Afsah


Exhibition Schmidt-Rottluff Scholarship

5 September - 10 November 2019: Our fellow Yalda Afsah presents her work as part of the group exhibition of the Schmidt-Rottluff scholarship holders. She received the scholarship in 2018.


“Nobody Promised You Tomorrow” at the Brooklyn Museum

3 May - 8 December 2019: Associate Rindon Johnson’s work will be on show at the Brooklyn Museum until December, as part of the show Nobody Promised You Tomorrow: Art 50 Years After Stonewall.

  Exhibition space of the Brooklyn Museums

Foto: Courtesy of the Brooklyn Museum


Former Fellows

Flyer with event information

Foto: Flyer Apartment Project Berlin


Exhibition Condition Room

11 September – 19 October 2019: Our alumni Zeynep Tuna and Nino Klingler present the third episode of their project "Kanal 82" in the framework of the exhibition Condition Room at Apartment Project Berlin.



6 September - 12 October 2019: Our former fellow Kerstin Ergenzinger opens the new exhibition format Be Water at B-Part Exhibition Am Gleisdreieck with her work "Pluvial- A Sono Tactile Architecture".

  Detail of the installation "Pluvial" by Kerstin Ergenzinger

Foto: Kerstin Ergenzinger

Postcard for the exhibition "Original Bauhaus" featuring a photography by Oskar Schlemmer

Foto: Bauhaus Kooperation


Centenary Exhibition Original Bauhaus

5 September 2019 - 27 January 2020: The series of drawings “flüssige Raster“ (fluid raster) by our alumna Juliane Laitzsch is part of the centenary exhibition Original Bauhaus at Berlinische Galerie – Museum of Modern Art.


The Moonlight Symposium

19 September 2019: Part of the exhibition Moonlight at Hasselblad Center and Space Week in Gothenburg is a symposium about the subject of the Moon. One of the guests is alumna Agnes Meyer-Brandis.

  Geese surrounding an astronaut in a lunarscape.

Foto: Agnes Meyer-Brandis

Linocut by artist Lisa Glauer

Foto: StudioBowie


Group exhibition in Mexico

31. Juli bis 22. September 2019: Our former associate Lisa Glauer will present her work "Onlookers" as part of the group exhibition TERRITORIUM I Tijuana at IMAC - Instituto Municipal de Arte in Mexico.


Current and former employees


28 September - 6 October 2019: Our employee Lena Loose presents her final project “Bucht” (bay) in the framework of the exhibition Dreizehn which showcases the photographic works of the current graduation class of Ostkreuzschule in the Reinbeckhallen.

  Woman climbs in nature.

Foto: Lena Loose

Photo of the five performers including their instruments.

Foto: Lokanga Köln Quartet


Erick Manana – Feo Gasy – Lokanga

2 October 2019: Malagasy guitarist and singer Erick Manana, the group Feo Gasy and our employee Jenny Fuhr’s string quartet, the Lokanga Köln Quartet, will share the stage at Théatre Jacques Carat.


Die Ästhetik des Kommunismus – Lothar Kühne (The Aesthetics of Communism – Lothar Kühne)

The booklet 2/2019 of “Berliner Debatte Initial” is dedicated to cultural philosopher, aesthete and architecture theoretician Lothar Kühne. The editors are former BAS student employee Martin Küpper and Thomas Möbius.

  Booklet cover with a list of included essays written white on black.

Foto: Berlin Debatte Initial


Herausgeber: Universität der Künste Berlin, Der Präsident
Verantwortlich: Lena Loose (Drittmittelakquise, Informationsmanagement und Veranstaltungen)
Mitarbeit: Anne Hanauer (studentische Mitarbeit)
Texte/ Redaktion: Anne Hanauer

der Universität der Künste Berlin
Postfach 12 05 44
10595 Berlin

Einsteinufer 43, Raum 207

Telefon +49 / (0)30 / 3185 2105
Telefax +49 / (0)30 / 3185 162 713
Email: graduiertenschule@udk-berlin.de


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