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The inked artist during his performance.

Foto: Onuk, ZKM

Graduate School Newsletter #2 2017

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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends,


With this newsletter we warmly invite you to the next Salon für Ästhetische Experimente at Haus der Kulturen der Welt. On 10th July, our fellows Zeynep Tuna and Nino Klingler will show their satirical web-series “Kanal 82” at Salon #5 “It's ok not to laugh: Trying out comedy as a critical strategy in the context of Turkey“. This semester and the following one, the Berlin University of the Arts offers as part of Studium Generale the seminar “Hintergründe” that gives insight into the artistic processes behind the scenes of the salons.


We continue with congratulating our current fellow Marco Donnarumma on receiving the Award of Distinction in the category Digital Musics & Sound Art at Prix Ars Electronica 2017. Our fellow Kerstin Ergenzinger is taking part in two exhibitions: “unReal” at HeK in Basel and “tracing“ at Haus am Kleistpark in Berlin.


Then follow news from our alumni Stefan Hayn, Tanja Ostojić and Agnes Meyer-Brandis, as well as information on the symposium “Out of the Blue” hosted by BAS.


Salon für Ästhetische Experimente

crochet object

Foto: Emily Stoneking


#5 It's ok not to laugh: Trying out comedy as a critical strategy in the context

Fellows Zeynep Tuna and Nino Klingler are showing their satirical web-series “Kanal 82” about media censorship in contemporary Turkey. Neslihan Arol (doctoral student at UdK) is presenting "Feminist Approaches to Comedy through Solo Performance Forms". more


Hintergründe – begleitendes Seminar zum Salon

Curator Prof. Jan Verwoert gives insight into the artistic processes behind the scenes of the Salons für Ästhetische Experimente. more

  Salon Plakat 1. Jahreshälfte 2017

Foto: Design: Jons Vokurep


Current Fellows

The inked artist during his performance.

Foto: Onuk, ZKM


Prix Ars Electronica 2017

We congratulate our fellow Marco Donnarumma on receiving the Award of Distinction in the category Digital Musics & Sound Art for his performance "Corpus Nil". more


Kinetic Installation "Wanderer - spacetime poetry"

Our fellow Kerstin Ergenzinger presents her kinetic installation “Wanderer - spacetime poetry“ in the frame of the unReal exhibition at HeK in Basel. more

  Image of the installation

Foto: Anna Kindvall

Image of the installation

Foto: Johannes Langkamp


Exhibition "tracing"

“Raumtaster“, spacial drawings with light, by our fellow Kerstin Ergenzinger are presented as part of the exhibition “tracing“ at Haus am Kleistpark in Berlin. more



Workshop "Krisengespräche"

Our alumno Stefan Hayn and Jens Ruchatz will be guests at the event KRISENGESPRÄCHE hosted by the UdK-seminars “Interviewprojekte“ by Kathrin Peters and “Dokumentarische Positionen: Interview“ by Stefanie Gaus. more

  Flyer for event in German

Foto: UdK

1 of 26 patchwork elements that have been sewed together.

Foto: Tatjana Ostojić


Exhibition "Lexicon of Tanja Ostojić"

The Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade shows "Lexicon of Tanja Ostojić" more


Catalogue “Out of Subsurdum“

The catalogue “Out of Subsurdum“ by alumna Agnes Meyer-Brandis was recently published. more

  The opened catalogue.

Foto: Agnes Meyer-Brandis



improvised chair

Foto: Katja Hommel


Out of the Blue - From the provisional to improvisation

The symposium by BAS creates the framework for a cross-disciplinary dialogue between art & society. We improvise in all contexts and on all scales: in manageable situations and with regard to serious issues in public contexts and under precarious conditions more


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