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Graduate School Newsletter #3 2017
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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends,
With this newsletter we warmly invite you to our exhibition “Close, never closer” which opens on 5th October at Foyer Hardenbergstraße. Our current fellows present the projects they have been working on the last year. Furthermore, we would like to invite you to the next Salon für Ästhetische Experimente “Horizons of Intuition - ways to think and act from within the stream of life – from Henri Bergson to Clarice Lispector“ with Jan Verwoert, visiting professor and head of the Graduate School, on 9th October at Haus der Kulturen der Welt. The following Salon “Archipelago Archives Exhibit #4: Cultures of Knowing / Knowing of Cultures” takes place in November.
It follows a range of announcements concerning our fellows. For example, today, Zeynep Tuna and Nino Klinger present the pilot episode of their project “Kanal 82“ at Eiszeit Kino Berlin.
And, as always, some news from our alumni.