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Two modelos photographen in front of the green surrounding of the Saari Residency.

Foto: Valentina Karga

Graduate School Newsletter #4 2017

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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends,


With this newsletter we warmly invite you to the next Salons für Ästhetische Experimente. Upcoming Monday, 20 November, our fellow Kiran Kumar, Kiwi Menrath and Daniela Hahn present “Archipelago Archives Exhibit #4: Cultures of Knowing / Knowing of Cultures”. The following Salon “Soll ich bleiben oder gehen?” with Jan Verwoert, visiting professor and head of the Graduate School, and fellow Lisa Glauer takes place in December.

It follows a range of announcements concerning our current fellows. For example, two ongoing exhibitions with works by Kerstin Ergenzinger or a new video that gives exciting insight into the current work in progress of Marco Donnarumma's project.

And, as always, some news from our alumni.


Graduate School

A holey leaf.

Foto: Kiran Kumar


#7 Cultures of Knowing / Knowing of Culture

Archipelago Archives Exhibit #4: Cultures of Knowing / Knowing of Cultures

with fellow Kiran Kumar, Kiwi Menrath, Daniela Hahn more


#8 Should I Stay or Should I Go? – Lisa Glauer

Övül Durmusoglu & DA Heraklion (artist collective)

Soll ich bleiben oder gehen?

With Lisa Glauer & Jan Verwoert more

  Photography of an evening event at DA

Foto: DA artists collective


Current fellows

Flyer for the Ringvorlesung.

Foto: Jenny Baese


Ringvorlesung “KÜNSTE DEKOLONISIEREN. Ästhetische Praktiken des Lernens und Verlernen”

As part of the Ringvorlesung, our fellow Kiran Kumar and Sara Mikolai present “Dancing in the Dark: Dialogues on the aesthetics and politics of invisibility” in form of performance lecture and talk. more


Solo exhibition "Raumtaster"

Our fellow Kerstin Ergenzinger shows her installation “Raumtaster” in a solo exhibition as part of the series Volvo at Heilig-Geist-Kirche in Rosenheim. more

  Installation "Raumtaster" by Kerstin Ergenzinger

Foto: Kerstin Ergenzinger

Flyer of the unReal exhibition including artists' names.

Foto: Flyer Chronus Art Center


unReal Exhibition in Shanghai

Our fellow Kerstin Ergenzinger presents in the frame of the unReal exhibition at Chronus Art Center in Shanghai her kinetic installation “Wanderer Spacetime Poetry“ that dynamically generates a drawing in the exhibition space by means of small thermal printers. more


Video of roboter „Amygdala“

Our fellow Marco Donnarumma posted a video on his website introducing his AI robot “Amygdala”. more


Foto: Flyer Chronus Art Center



Potrait of Yutaka Makino

Foto: privat


Interdisciplinary art project “On Display”

Our alumno Yutaka Makino was selected to realise the interdisciplinary arts project “On Display - An Artistic View on Computational Neuroscience” for the Bernstein Conference 2018 in Berlin. more


Saari Residency at Kone Foundation in Finland

Our alumna Valentina Karga is currently a resident at the Saari Residency at Kone Foundation in Finland with her project “The Futuristic United Nations Environment Program”. more

  Two modelos photographen in front of the green surrounding of the Saari Residency.

Foto: Valentina Karga


Herausgeber: Universität der Künste Berlin, Der Präsident
Verantwortlich: Lena Loose (Drittmittelakquise, Informationsmanagement und Veranstaltungen)
Mitarbeit: Anne Hanauer (studentische Mitarbeit)
Texte/ Redaktion: Anne Hanauer
[Translate to English:]
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