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Foto: Verlag: Archive Books / Design: Nienke Terpsma

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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends,

in this edition of our newsletter, we would like to inform you about the current application status for fellowships at the Graduate School and our new publication "What if it won't stop here?" which was published on the occasion of Graduale 18. Furthermore, the Berlin Centre of Advanced Studies in Arts and Sciences will publish an online publication which is concerned with the results of the Einstein-Circle "bod-y-motion" at the beginning of 2019. Followed by some news from our former fellows and associates.

We wish you happy holidays and a happy new year!


Graduate School at BAS

Foto: BAS/ UdK Berlin


Status of applications

We received around 550 international applications for the fellowship programme at the Graduate School for the period April 2019 to March 2021. The jury has selected 19 applicants who were invited for application interviews which take place in January 2019. 


What if it won’t stop here?

The Graduate School proudly presents its new publication "What if it won’t stop here?" with works and conversations by our fellows and associates 2016-2018. more

  book cover

Foto: Verlag: Archive Books / Design: Nienke Terpsma

Flyer with questions relevant for the event

Foto: UdK Berlin


Einstein-Zirkel: "bod-y-motion"

The online publication is concerned with the results of the Einstein-Circle "bod-y-motion" and will be published at the beginning of 2019. more


Former Fellows/ Associates

Erinnern und Vergessen -  zwischen Medizin und Kunst

October 2018: “Erinnern und Vergessen -  zwischen Medizin und Kunst” by Wolfgang Knapp and BAS associate Lisa Glauer was recently published as part of the series Hefte zur Geschichte der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

  Book cover

Foto: be.bra wissenschaft Verlag


Foto: Klaus Spiess&Lucie Strecker


"Applied Microperformativity" in Vienna

12 to 19 December 2018: Applied Microperformativity: Live Arts for a Radical Socio-Economic Turn is a combination of symposium, interventions and exhibition, curated by Lucie Strecker, Klaus Spiess and Jens Hauser.


“Playing Innocent” exhibition in Amman

11 October to 17 December 2018: In the frame of the Playing Innocent exhibition Tanja Ostojić exhibits her video installation "I´ll Be Your Angel" (2001/02) at the MMAG Foundation in Amman, Jordan.

  Installation view at Busan Biennale, South Korea, 2016

Foto: Tanja Ostojić

women demonstrating

Foto: Claude Szmulewicz


Film “Alliances” in Leipzig and Metz

16 November 2018 to 3 February 2019: Alex Martinis Roe has just completed a new film called “Alliances” exploring the legacy of the women's movement which began 50 years ago in Paris. It will be screened at GfZK in Leipzig and in Metz.


“SEX” at Taxipalais in Tirol

5 October 2018 to 27 January 2019: Alex Martinis Roe shows two film installations in the Sex exhibition at Taxipalais in Tirol. 

  Fabiana Faleiros: Mastur Bar, 2018 (a sculpture by Antigoni Tsagkaropoulou in detail)

Foto: Sebastian Mayer


Herausgeber: Universität der Künste Berlin, Der Präsident
Verantwortlich: Lena Loose (Drittmittelakquise, Informationsmanagement und Veranstaltungen)
Mitarbeit: Anne Hanauer (studentische Mitarbeit)
Texte/ Redaktion: Anne Hanauer

der Universität der Künste Berlin
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10595 Berlin

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Email: graduiertenschule@udk-berlin.de


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