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Foto: Kathrin Scheidt

Invitation: Aurality and Embodiment | Salomé Voegelin, Brandon LaBelle, Alex Arteaga in dialogue | 04 November 2016


Dear Friends of Sound Studies,


we kindly invite you to the fourth edition of "die Reihe. Beiträge zu auditiver Kunst und Kultur". The first event Aurality and Environment will present a dialog with Salomé Voegelin (artist and Reader in Sound Arts at London College of Communication, University of Arts London), Brandon LaBelle (artist and professor at the Bergen Academy of Art and Design Norway), and Alex Arteaga (head of the Auditory Architecture Research Unit and the area of Auditory Architecture in the master program Sound Studies at the Berlin University of the Arts) abouAurality and Environment: How do aurality and environment relate to one another? What are the possible interconnections between our aural practices, our auditory being-in-the-world and these worlds-around, these Um-welten? This event - organised in cooperation with FASE. Festival Arte Sonoro Espanol und hybrid platform, addresses manifest and potential correspondences between varieties of hearing, listening, sound organization and sonic interventions and the emergence of milieus. 


Friday, 4 November 2016
Salomé Voegelin, Brandon LaBelle, Alex Arteaga in dialogue
7 p.m.
Villa Bell, Marchstr. 8, 10587 Berlin
Free admission

This event will be held in English.



die Reihe. Contributions to auditory art and cultureis an event series of the Audio Communication Group at Technical University Berlin and the Master’s program Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at the Berlin Career College at Berlin University oft he Arts.


Further events of "die Reihe" in during this academic semester:


17 November 2016 | Martin Lorenz and Silva Reichwein "SINE GREY
" | Sound Performance

13 January 2017 | Michael Harenberg, Frank Fiedler, and Ernesto Molinari | Konzert



We look forward to welcoming you!

All the best,

Prof. Volker Straebel

Head of Department


Herausgeber: Universität der Künste Berlin, Der Präsident
Verantwortlich: Universität der Künste Berlin
Texte/ Redaktion: Kathrin Scheidt
Fotos: Kathrin Scheidt
UdK Berlin Career College
Masterstudiengang Sound Studies and Sonic Arts
Postfach 12 05 44 | 10595 Berlin



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