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What is the NFDI4Culture?

NFDI4Culture (Consortium for research data on material and immaterial cultural heritage) is a consortium for open research data on material and immaterial cultural heritage. This includes digitized works of art as well as research tools and research data. The consortium is creating resources, tools and services for researchers and artists. It extends its services according to the activity in the community. Moreover, it is aiming to provide legal advice regarding copyright law and provenance research.

There are seven task forces within the consortium. A detailed description of their work can be found on the NFDI4Culture website and in the video Was ist NFDI4Culture? (with English trancsript).

source: Die Task Forces:

Institutions from all parts of cultural life are participating in the consortium to share their professional knowledge. Universities, Academies, Associations, Research Centers are participating as well as Libraries, Galleries, Archives and Museums.

source: Die Community:

Considering the complex legal and ethical aspects of artistic work and research, topics discussed in the consortium are highly relevant to artists and creators. However, not many institutions representing these groups are currently participating in the NFDI4Culture. The UdK Berlin is therefore calling all its members to participate in discussions and events. How can culture be open to the public while still providing fair pay for artists and creators?

Open Research in the Arts

Academic work should be accessible to the public without legal, technical or financial barriers. This is one of the core values of the Open Science movement. Further values are Open Access, Open Data, Open Educational Resources and Open Source. There is not always a clear distinction between these components, but they include:

  • text publications, and non-textual publications
  • digital representations of cultural heritage:
    • 2D Digital Reproductions of paintings, photographs and drawings
    • 3D Models of culturally and historically important buildings, monuments and sculptures
    • Audiovisual Data of music, film and stage performances
  • procedural research data:
    • encoding formats
    • annotation formats
    • metadata: semantic models to describe works of art
    • digital music formats

source: Multimodal Data Types:

Activities (Events & Workshops)

Workshops and Discussion Forums hosted by NFDI4Culture:

The NFDI4Culture is also planning to found a Cultural Research Academy and host Arts & Culture Datathons. Events and workshop dates will be announced soon.


Please contact the University Library for further information about NFDI4Culture: nfdi4culture_

The University Library helps members of the UdK Berlin navigate the possibilities of Open Research. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions: onlinepublikation_

Please understand that the University Library cannot offer you any legal advice. You are welcome to contact the Legal Helpdesk of the NFDI4Culture Office in that regard: info_

NFDI4Culture is funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - 441958017 Source: NFDI4Culture

NFDI4Culture is funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - 441958017 Source: NFDI4Culture

 source: NFDI4Culture