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Legal Information & Licences

All Open Research modules as well as publishing and data management can raise legal questions. The following information is not guaranteed to be correct or complete. Please understand that although we can provide you with information on rights and obligations, we cannot and may not offer you legal advice.

The library will support you with your legal questions and also uses the expertise of the legal helpdesks of NFDI4Culture or We also offer you an initial introduction to important topics (such as licences) by means of the information materials we have created specifically for the needs of UdK members.

 Search our catalogue for further literature concerning legal issues: 

Further information, materials and literature can also be found on the pages of, NFD4Culture or

You can also make use of the legal helpdesks of NFDI4Culture or openaccess-network via the university library.


The reusability pursued by Open Research is generally achieved through the use of free licences, insofar as use is legally possible and desired by the rights holders.

One common model is the standardised licence agreements from the non-profit organisation Creative Commons (CC), which allow you to release the usage rights to your works in a targeted manner and at different levels. There are six different models: from very restrictive use to free use and editing. Our chart will help you get started. The University Library offers individual advice to help you find the most suitable licence for you and your work.

Please bear in mind that Creative Commons licences are granted irrevocably. We recommend that you obtain comprehensive information in advance.

Further information on the licences and the licence agreements themselves can be found here.



source: UdK Berlin