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Dr. Banu Çiçek Tülü

short vita

Banu Çiçek Tülü (Adana/Turkey) is a sound artist, music producer and DJ with a background in urban design, based in Berlin/Germany. She develops her ideas and research by using sound as a primary medium and sonic methodologies. Her practice-based artistic approach involves participation, social design, ecology, feminist and queer theory which uses artistic, cultural and political imagination as tools for social change. Her analysis of urban space is mostly related to colonial history, apartheid and orientalism especially in the context of the Middle East and Africa. The process of the artistic production is crucial and it is mostly presented as multi-channel video and sound installations, sculptural elements, textile, various objects, and light. 

The recent fellowships include IdeasCity New Orleans/USA, an initiative of The New Museum, New York/USA (2019); Sound of Our Cities Roeselare/Belgium organized by Idensitat/Spain with the Creative Europe Program (2020); Ankara Queer Art Residency (2021) by Kaos GL (Ankara/Turkey) supported by SAHA Association (Istanbul/Turkey), Namibia Initiative by Akademie Schloss Solitude (2022), Party as Form by Praksis Oslo (2024). Banu Çiçek Tülü holds MA in University of Barcelona, Fine Arts Faculty (2011), MA Independent Study Program at Contemporary Art Museum Barcelona (2012) and PhD Fine Arts University Hamburg granted by Heinrich Böll Foundation (2023). Between 2018-2021, she was a lecturer at the Humboldt University in Berlin. She hosts a monthly radio show Sonic Journey at Refuge Worldwide in Berlin.