Dr. Dorothea Hilzinger
short vita
Dorothea Hilzinger completed a master's degree in musicology with a minor in education and computer science at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. In summer 2022, she completed her PhD project on ‘Modern British Symphonies - Between Genre Conventions and Identity Discourses’ at the Berlin University of the Arts. She was supervised by Prof Dr Signe Rotter-Broman and Arne Stollberg (HU Berlin). The book was published by etk Munich in autumn 2024. Her current research project deals with diagrams in music-related publications, in particular schematic visualisations, maps, chronologies, genealogies and networks.
Dorothea Hilzinger has been working as a research and teaching assistant for musicology at the UdK Berlin since the summer semester of 2013. Her research interests include the history of the symphony in the 19th and 20th centuries, European music historiography, colonial and postcolonial perspectives, expanded concepts of musical modernity, digital humanities and the linking of analytical and cultural studies approaches.
- Proseminar "Orchestermusik von Komponistinnen" (WiSe 24/25)
- Live-Talk "Musik I Geschichte Visualisieren" (mit Prof. Dr. Christine Hoppe, WiSe 24/25)
- Proseminar "Wiki 17.0 - Musikbezogenes Wissen in Texten und Abbildungen im 17. Jahrhundert" (SoSe 25)
- Live-Talk "10*19 - Zehn Gestalterinnen des 19. Jahrhunderts" (mit Prof. Dr. Christine Hoppe, WiSe 24/25)
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