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Victor Yrigoyen

short vita

Student assistant | Communication & Social Media | Sound Studies & Sonic Arts (M.A.)

Victor Yrigoyen (Brasília, 1985) is a multidisciplinary artist based in Berlin. Coming from a background in visual arts/design, he is currently enrolled in the MA for Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at the Universität der Künste Berlin (UdK). He insists on a strong audio-visual focus, exploring cross-media formats as tools to pursue connection. Documentation is at the heart of his process, engaging in daily exercises of drawing, filming and field recording as intimate approaches to archival art practice. Strives for simplicity. Thinks about life. Dwells on the non-linearity of time, the everyday loops of routine and the presence felt in the mundane. His work explores different – and often opposing – directions, ranging from performances to multichannel installations to a soundtrack for a book.