News and current events
The Berlin Centre for Advanced Studies in Arts and Sciences (BAS), an institution of the UdK, considers itself a roof that binds the different postgraduate academic programmes, doctorates, habilitations and research endeavours within the Berlin University of the Arts including the Design Research Lab, the Graduiertenkolleg „Das Wissen der Künste“ (until 2021), the Graduate School, the Hybrid Plattform, as well as doctoral students of all four departments.
It aims to develop lasting synergies between artistic and scientific practices in order to create a space for dynamic interactions and continuous dialogue. Due to exchange and cooperation on an internal, external and international level, new and innovative formats are developed. Focussing on interdisciplinary networking, BAS supports mutual ventures of artistic and scientific practices.
After being established as “Postgraduales Forum“ in 2014, a renaming as “Berlin Centre for Advanced Studies in Arts and Sciences (BAS)“ followed suit in October 2016 in order to react to the increasingly international character of the institution.
News and current events
What is the Berlin Centre for Advanced Studies in Arts and Sciences?
Artistic Research at the UdK Berlin
In Kooperation mit dem Mittelbau und der Hybrid-Plattform veranstaltet das BAS Kolloquien in wechselnden Formaten.
BAS publications and publications at the intersection of art and science by people involved at BAS
The interconnected research experience at BAS creates new impulses for formats and modus operandi between art and science.
The fellowship programme of the Graduate School of the UdK Berlin is a two-year postgraduate and international qualification programme for graduates of all subjects who have already developed their own artistic positions.
The DRL works on interdisciplinary design research projects that mediate the gap between technological innovations and people's real needs.
The Hybrid Plattform is a transdisciplinary platform for projects in the heart of Campus Charlottenburg, where the Berlin University of the Arts and the Technische Universität Berlin work together with partners in research and industry.
The Einstein Circle “body – y – motion: Zur Rolle von Körper und Emotionen in künstlerischen und wissenschaftlichen Praktiken“ examines possible interactions and potentials of an interplay between artistic experiment and scientific research.
Advisory board, joint committee, and staff of the Berlin Centre for Advanced Studies in Arts and Sciences