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WISSEN DER KÜNSTE: On Decolonial Deferrals

Colour play
source: Caroline Neumann

Exhibition and launch

Hosted by the editors of Issue 8 Juana Awad, Maja Figge, Grit Köppen, Katrin Köppert and by the working group Decolonial aesthetics of the DFG- Graduiertenkolleg “Das Wissen der Künste”, Berlin University of the Arts

The working group Decolonial aesthetics of the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg "Das Wissen der Künste" takes up questions of the aesthetic construction of theory, as well as theoretical production of aesthetics in thecontext of anticolonialism, postcoloniality and decoloniality, and examines decolonial aesthetic strategies in artistic and curatorial productions from the areas ofphotography, film, theater, contemporary drama, performance, art, sound, video, and fine arts.

For the issue #8 of the online publication, an editorial team composed by members of the group including Juana Awad, Maja Figge, Grit Köppen, and Katrin Köppert has curated a collection of academic articles and artistic contributions, which focus on decolonial strategies that engage in aesthetic processes of remembering and archiving: Which forms of engagement with different bodies of knowledge and their aesthetic treatment in contemporary art production enable decolonial deferrals? Which aesthetics of archiving have a decolonializing effect within formations of knowledge? What remains of the colonial archive when the aesthetics of ephemeral objects become part of bodies of knowledge?

Contributors to the issue include Matei Bellu and Andrea Bellu, Imayna Caceres, Omar Chowdhury, Stefanie Fock, Ali Kazimi, Grit Köppen, Verena Melgarejo Weinandt, Arlette Ndakoze, Victoria Nolte, Katharina Pelosi, Queer Frequency Modulation Collective with Kara Keeling, Markus Schlaffke and Isabelle Schwaderer, Su-Ran Sichling and Nicholas Brandes.

On Decolonial Deferrals will be a one-night exhibition of image, video and sound pieces included in the publication of the same name. Contributors include Katharina Pelosi, Matei and Andrea Bellu, Queer Frequency Modulation Collective, Verena Melgarejo Weinandt, Imayna Caceres, Markus Schlaffke and Isabella Schwaderer, Ustad Irfan Muhammed Kahn and Sanjib Pal.


Thursday November, 14th 2019 / 7 pm

Welcome and launch by Juana Awad, Maja Figge, Grit Köppen and Katrin Köppert

Screening of “Paying a Visit to the Queen –Tracing Dispersion, Looking for Disappearance”, dir.: Matei und Andrea Bellu

Screening of "La Vuelta de la Malona“, dir.: Verena Melgarejo Weinandt

Presentation of Menaka Archive by Markus Schlaffke and Isabella Schwaderer

Music by Ustad Irfan Muhammed Kahn and Sanjib Pal (Sarod and Tabla)

Sound installations by Katharina Pelosi and Queer Frequency Modulation Collective

Image by Imayna Caceres

Drinks and music

With the support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Launch languages are German and English

When? Where?
14 November 2019, 7 pm
In cooperation with / at
Grüner Salon / Volksbühne Berlin
Linienstr. 227
10178 Berlin

more information
